公司生产的脑电(肌电)导联线、弹力网帽等产品为脑电检测提供了便利方案,同时作为Weaver and Company(美国韦弗公司)在中国区的经销商,销售Ten20 Conductive Paste导电膏和Nuprep Skin Prep Gell磨砂膏产品。
公司生产的神经肌肉刺激器用体表电极等产品为肌电检测提供了便利方案,同时作为Technomed(欧洲泰诺)中国区总代理,销售Needle Electrode针电极产品。公司致力于神经病学及康复领域产品的研发及生产,愿携手各合作伙伴,诚信共赢,共创未来。
诚招国内各省市有志之士加盟销售代理。公司作为Weaver and Company(美国韦弗公司)在中国区的经销商,销售其旗下的Ten20导电膏和Nuprep磨砂膏产品。
Dear Friends,
QingdaoTenocom Medical Technology Co.,Ltd,which focuses on the field of neurology and rehabilitation,is committed to research,development,production and sale of the neural electrophysiological instrument and related accessories all over the world.
Basing on the experience of more than ten years in Neurology field, the vision of Tenocom is to invent reliable, user-friendly, economic accessories for the patients. We are working closed to the customers, and we are devoted to the innovation, development and production.