无刷自控电机软起动器是将起动电阻直接安装在电动机的转轴上,利用电机旋转时产生的离心力作为动力,控制起动电阻的大小,达到减少电机起动电流、增加起动转矩,使绕线式异步电动机实现无刷自控运行的装置。它主要由机壳、起动液、动极板、弹簧、接线柱、安全阀、排气阀等构成。该起动器具有起动电流小,起动转矩大,自动适应电源及负载的变化,保护电机等特点。广泛应用于冶金、机械、石油、化工、矿山、建材、造纸、橡胶、水厂、电站等所有工业领域的球磨机、破碎机、风机、水泵、打浆机、空压机、轧机、热磨机、制氧机等电机传动设备中绕线式异步电动机的起动。它可以代替绕线电机的滑环、碳刷及其起动装置。 SUMMARIZE It is to install the starting resistance on rolling shaft of motor.using the centrifugal power as driving, control the starting resistance to reduce the starting current, increase torque, equipping the no brush self -controlled motor to winding asynchronous motor. it is composed of shell、starting liquid、moving magnetic boad、spring、connecting pillar、safety valve、exhausting valve etc. the starter has the advantage at small current ,large starting torque,adjustable the change to power and load so as to,protecting the motor. it can be widely used to start the winding asynchronous motor in ball miller、crusheruser 、blower fan、pump、beater、comprssor、crusher、defibrater、oxygenerator etc of metallization,chemical-industry、machinary、petroleum、mining、constrction、rubber、power station etc. it can stead of the collector ring,carbon brush of winding motor. 产品优点 起动器采用无刷无环运行,操作简单,安装拆卸方便,可大大减少维修费用,并可根据机械负载的特性,自动改变起动电阻的大小,调节起动转矩和起动电流,使电动机处于最佳状态 能在保持电机起动转矩不变的情况下,使起动电流从7Ie降到1.6Ie,并能以最大转矩起动电机。它由电阻起动装置发展而来,具有如下创新点: 1、彻底根除使用滑环、碳刷时所造成的各种危害。去掉传统、复杂的起动装置,操作方便,并可减少维修费用。 2、节省安装空间和二次回路电缆,减少起动装置的功率消耗,节约了电能。 3、起动控制由起动器根据电机的转速自动完成,彻底避免了其它起动装置不能根据负载的大小,自动跟踪电机起动过程而造成电机或起动器损坏等不良现象。 4、电机运转过程中,如出现堵转现象,随着电机转速的降低,起动器会自动投入运行,达到增加电机转矩,减少起动电流的目的。 5、克服了定子控制式电机软起动器的起动转矩与起动电流的平方成正比这一缺陷,在降低电机起动电流的同时,增加电机起动转矩,并能以最大转矩起动电机,采用无刷运行,去掉了传统、 繁琐、多触点元件组成的起动装置,其起动装置的功率损耗及电机的起动时间比定子控制式电机软起动器减少10倍以上,但起动器的综合价格不及其它软起动器的1/3。 6、起动电阻直接安装在电动机的转轴上,利用电机旋转时产生离心力作为动力,控制电阻的大小,达到减少电机起动电流、增加起动转矩,实现无刷自控运行的目的。 7、采用防锈、防变质、防冻(冰点心-25℃)、防沸(沸点为120 ℃)的四防起动液,提高起动器的使用寿命。 8、设置安全排气阀,在电机转速达到额定转速后,自动打开排气阀,保证起动器的安全可靠运行。 ADVANTAGE OF PRODUCTION The start is easy to operate and install, which can reduce the expense of repire. it can take the motor to the best situation under adjusting the resistance 、torque and current. The starting current can be reduced from 7le to 1.6le under the condition of keeping the torque unchanged.it can start the motor with largest torque: 1、It is from resistance starting equiment, which has below new characteristics:removing the harm from ring and carbon brush.it saves repairing expense without traditional complex starting equipment. 2、Saving the installation space and secondary loop cable,reducing the power waste of starting equipment, power wasteless.starting control is completed from starter according to the speed of motor. 3、It avoids the phenomena that some damage to motor and starter from other equipment can not trace the starting process of motor by overload. 4、During the process of running, if it appears locked-rotor, the starter will automatically run for the reduction of motor speed to reach the goal of increasing the torque and reducing current of motor. 5、Conquering the default that square of starting current is proportional to torque on stator controlled motor soft-starter with starting current. increasing the motor torque when reducing the current. adopting brushless running, it is 10 times to save the power and starting times.however, the price is not reached 1/3 than other soft-starter. 6、The starting resistance is directly installed the rotoring shaft of motor, using the centrifugal power as driving, control the starting resistance to reduce the starting current, increase torque、 equipping the no brush self -controlled motor to winding asynchronous motor. 7、In order to prolong the using life, adopting the starting liquid to resisting rust、deteroprate、 freeze、boiling(boiling point is120℃). 8、To guarantee running safety, it needs to set the safey exhausting valve, which will be opened automatically when reaching the rated speed.