品牌:飞策防爆/新黎明防爆 | 产地:浙江 |
价格:10人民币/台 | 规格: |
简要说明: 防爆防腐照明(动力)配电箱防爆防腐照明动力配电箱BM(D)G58 | |
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防爆防腐照明(动力)配电箱防爆防腐照明动力配电箱BM(D)G58 BXM(D)8050系列防爆防腐照明动力配电箱(ⅡC) 适用范围Application 1区、2区危场所.IIA、IIB、IIC类性气体环境Can be used Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places.Can be used in IIA,IIB,IIC group explosive atmosphere. 型号含义Model implication 产品特点 Features 本产品为复合型,外壳采用玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树 脂压制而成,内装断路器为我公司特制的防爆元件,壳采用增安型结构具有较好的防水,防尘和耐冲击等优 良性能,由于产品主要部件均采用工程塑料,因此具有较强的防腐性能.本产品经过科学的优化设计,产品结构轻巧,紧凑,但 用户安装接线和维修空间较大.具有过载短路保护功能,可根据要求增加漏电保护等 功耐钢管或电缆布线均可.符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079,标准要求. .The products are combined type,the shell is made of glass-fiber and unsaturated poyester-resin,inner circuit breaker isour company’s special explosion-proof element,the shell issafety-increased stuctrue,with the excellent functions of wterProof,dust-proof and impulsion withstanding,because themain compo nents all use enginering plastic,so it has the functionof strong corrosion-proof.dust-proof and impulsion withstandingbecause the main compo nents all use enginering plastic,so it has the function of strongcorrosion-proof.The product uses scientfic optimized design,light and com-Pact structure,but.there is big space for the users to install and comec maintain.With the protection of overload,and shrt-circuit,it can add the protectionoffleakage according to the demand.Steel tube wiring or cable wiring.Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request 订货须知Notice if or dering用户在订货时,须注明配电箱的回路数,各回路相应的电流数,以及断路器的极数,若带漏电功能,则还需注明;若带总开关,则注明总开关的电流数及极数,并注明进出线方向,进出线规格及时应的数量The user shall indicate circuit number andi ts relative current,number of CB poleif want toaddelectrical leakage protection,there shall be speciallynoticed.Ifneedto install chief circuit switch,itscurrent,inletor outletspecifications and number shall be noted. 主要技术参数 Main technical parameters 型号Type 额定电压(V)Ratedvoltage 主回路额定电流(A)Rated currentof main circuit 支路数Branch number 主回路总开关数(台)Switch No.of maincircuit 支路额定电流(A)Branch current 防爆标志Ex-mark 管螺纹(mm)Thred 电缆外径(Φ,mm)Cable’s outer diameter 防护等级Protection grade 防腐等级Corrosion-proof category 进线Inlet 出线Outlet 进线Inlet 出线OutletCBP8060-4 380220 63 4 1,3,5,10,15,20,25,32,40,50,60 Exed IIC T6 G1 1/4"~G2" G1/2"~G1 1/2" 182226 10~22 IP55 WF2CBP8060-6 6CBP8060-8 8CBP8060-10 10 303436CBP8060-12 12CBP8060-4K 4 1CBP8060-6K 6CBP8060-8K 8 303436CBP8060-10K 10CBP8060-12K 12 产品外形图 Outline example CBP8060-4 CBP8060-8 |