《QQ :2479261344》
GPRS模块:使用厦门蓝斯通信有限公司的LZ713C GPRS DTU,其核心使用SIMEMS MC39i无线模块,内嵌TCP/IP协议,支持900/1800 MHz系统,提供RS-232接口,支持各种非TCP/IP终端设备数据的透明传输,可上电即自动拨号上网,一直在线,自检测假拨号现象,掉线可自动重拨。带自主开发的主控电路和硬件看门狗,保证电路的可靠工作,并可根据用户需要进行远程在线升级。
? 无线GPRS网络
网内分配专用的APN名,普通用户不得申请该APN 。用于GPRS 专网的SIM卡仅开通该专用APN,限制使用其他APN,也限制网外SIM卡使用专网APN。
? 调度中心
Freescale/IBM 7xx Wind River Product Wind River Wind River PPMC7xx wrPpmc7xx
IBM 4xx Wind River Product IBM Corporation IBM 403GA Evaluation Board evb403
IBM 4xx Wind River Product Wind River Wind River SBC405GP wrSbc405gp
IBM PPC40x Wind River Partner Program Certified Kontron AG EB405 VXW-BSP-EB405
IBM PPC40x Uncertified Xilinx ML300 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for ML300
IBM PPC40x Uncertified Xilinx ML410 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for ML410
IBM PPC7xx Wind River Partner Program Certified Kontron AG PowerEngine7 Single and Dual VxWorks 5.5 BSP for PowerEngine7
IBM PPC7xx Uncertified Advanet Inc. Advme7509 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for Advme7509
IBM PPC7xx Uncertified IBM Corporation 750GX Buckeye and 750FX Chestnut VxWorks 5.5 BSP for IBM 750GX and 750FX
IDT RISCore323xx Wind River Product Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT 79EB332 idt79eb332
IDT RISCore323xx Wind River Product Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT 79EB334 idt79eb334
IDT RISCore323xx Wind River Product Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT 79EB355 idt79eb355
IDT RISCore323xx Wind River Product Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT 79RP355 idt79rp355
IDT RISCore323xx Wind River Product Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT 79S332 idt79s332
IDT RISCore323xx Wind River Product Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT 79S334A idt79s334a
IDT RISCore323xx Wind River Product Wind River PPMCIDT334 wrPpmcIdt334
IDT RISCore324xx Wind River Product Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT 79EB438 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for IDT79eb438
IDT RISCore3xxx Wind River Product Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT 79eb439 testing 123456789000
IOP Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel IQ80310 Eval. Platform Board iq80310
IOP Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel IQ80321 Dev. Board iq80321
IOP Wind River Product Wind River Wind River XScale 80310 PPMC wrPpmci80310
IXP Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel IXDP1200 Adv. Dev. Platform (ixm1200) ixm1200
IXP Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel IXP12EB IXP1200 Big Endian ixp1200eb_be
IXP Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel IXP12EB IXP1200 Eval ixp1200eb
IXP Not Supported Intel Corporation Intel IXDP2351 Advanced Development Platform ixdp2351_be
IXP Not Supported Intel Corporation Intel IXDP2805/2855 Advanced Development Platform VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for Intel IXDP28x5
IXP Not Supported Intel Corporation Intel(R) IXDP465 (Intel(R) IXP400 Software) ixdp465
MCF52xx Wind River Product Freescale, Inc. Freescale M5272C3 m5272c3
MCF5xxx Wind River Product Freescale, Inc. Freescale M5206eC3 m5206ec3
MCF5xxx Wind River Product Freescale, Inc. Freescale M5307C3 m5307c3
MCF5xxx Wind River Product Freescale, Inc. Freescale M5407C3 m5407c3
MIPS32 other Uncertified Broadcom Corporation BCM91101 Enterprise IP Phone Chip Reference Design VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for BCM1101
MIPS32 other Uncertified Broadcom Corporation BCM91103 Gigabit IP Phone Chip Reference Design VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for BCM1103
MIPS32 other Uncertified Broadcom Corporation BCM91104 Gigabit IP Phone Chip Reference Design VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for BCM1104
MIPS32 other Uncertified Broadcom Corporation BCM91190 Low-Cost IP Phone Chip Reference Design VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for BCM1190
MIPS32 other Not Supported Raza Microelectronics Arizona ATX-I VxWorks 5.5.1.BSP for XLR732
MIPS64 other Wind River Product Toshiba Corporation Toshiba RBTX9956 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for rbtx9956
MTI 20kx Wind River Product MIPS Technologies, Inc. MTI Malta 20kc VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for Malta20kc
MTI 4kx Wind River Product MIPS Technologies, Inc. MTI Malta 4kec malta4kec
MTI 4kx Wind River Product MIPS Technologies, Inc. MTI Sead 4kc sead2_4kc
MTI 4kx Wind River Product Wind River Wind River PPMC4kc wrPpmc4kc
MTI 5kx Wind River Product MIPS Technologies, Inc. MTI Malta 5kc malta5kc
MTI 5kx Wind River Product MIPS Technologies, Inc. MTI Sead 5kc sead2_5kc
NEC vr41xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation NEC AXIS VR4133 Ethernet Board ebVr4133
NEC vr41xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation NEC CMB-VR4133 RockHopper Board and Axis VR4133 Ethernet Board VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for rh4133
NEC vr41xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation NEC DDB-VR4131A / SG-30131-2 rh4131
NEC vr41xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation NEC SDB VR4122-S-1 sdb4122eagle
NEC vr41xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation NEC VR4131 SDB Eagle sdb4131eagle
NEC vr54xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation DDB-VRC5476 ddb5476
NEC vr54xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation DDB-VRC5477 ddb5477
NEC vr54xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation NEC DDB-VR5432A / SG-30541-2 rh5432
NEC vr55xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation NEC DDB-VR5500B / SG-30550-2 rh5500
NEC vr77xx Wind River Product NEC Electronics Corporation NEC Y-Wing Reference Card VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for NEC YBoard
NEC vr97xx Not Supported NEC Electronics Corporation VR9721 Test Board VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for rbVr9721
PMC-Sierra RM7xxx Wind River Product Momentum Computer Inc. Momentum Computer CP7000G Ocelot cp7000g
PMC-Sierra RM7xxx Wind River Product Momentum Computer Inc. Momentum cp7000 (Ocelot) cp7000
PMC-Sierra RM9xxx Wind River Product Momentum Computer Inc. Momentum Jaguar-ATX jaguar9000x2
PMC-Sierra RM9xxx Not Supported PMC-Sierra Sequoia VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for SequoiaRm9k
PMC-Sierra RM9xxx Not Supported PMC-Sierra yosemiteRm9k VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for PMC-Sierra Yosemite RM9K Evaluation Board
PXA Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel PXA250 Dev. Board (lubbock) ilubbock
PXA Wind River Product Wind River SBCPXA250 wrSbcPxa250
PXA Uncertified Arcom VIPER VIPER VxWorks 5.5 BSP
PXA Not Supported Intel Corporation Intel HCDDBBVA0 (Mainstone) imainstone
Pentium Wind River Product Motorola, Inc. Motorola CPV5000 cpv5000
Pentium II Wind River Product Commercial Board Vendors Commercial Pentium Board with ROM socket iacsfl440bx
Pentium II Wind River Product Commercial Board Vendors Commercial Pentium II Board pcPentium2
Pentium II Wind River Product Motorola, Inc. Motorola CPV5300 cpv5300
Pentium III Wind River Product Commercial Board Vendors Commercial Pentium III Board pcPentium3
Pentium III Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel. 440MX Scalable Low Power Board Development Kit iacsfl440mx
Pentium III Wind River Product Motorola, Inc. Motorola CPN5360 cpn5360
Pentium III Wind River Product Motorola, Inc. Motorola CPN5365 cpn5365
Pentium III Wind River Product Motorola, Inc. Motorola CPV5350 cpv5350
Pentium III Wind River Product Motorola, Inc. Motorola CPV5375 cpv5375
Pentium IV Wind River Product Commercial Board Vendors Commercial Pentium 4 Board pcPentium4
Pentium IV Wind River Product Intel Corporation Marble Canyon pcPentium4_mp
Pentium IV Not Supported Intel Corporation EIDXE7520 Dev Kit VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for xeonE7520
Pentium IV Not Supported Intel Corporation Intel Pentium M / E7501 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for Pentium M
Pentium IV Not Supported Intel Corporation Intel. 875P MCH with Intel. 6300ESB ICH Chipset Development Kit VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for 875P/6300ESB
RMI AU1xxx Wind River Product Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Alchemy Pb1000 from AMD pb1000
RMI AU1xxx Wind River Product Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Alchemy Pb1500 from AMD pb1500
SH2 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH2 ms7615se ms7615se
SH2 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH2 ms7622se ms7622se
SH3 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH2 ms7729Rse ms7729Rse
SH3 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH3 ms7706se ms7706se
SH3 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH3 ms7709Ase ms7709Ase
SH3 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH3 ms7709Sse ms7709Sse
SH3 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH3 ms7727se ms7727se
SH3 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH3 ms7729se ms7729se
SH3 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Renesas MS7705SE01 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for MS7705SE01
SH3 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Renesas MS7710SE01 ms7710se
SH4 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH4 hmse7751 hmse7751
SH4 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH4 ms7750se ms7750se
SH4 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Hitachi SH4 ms7751se ms7751se
SH4 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Renesas MS7750RSE01 ms7750Rse
SH4 Wind River Product Renesas Technology America, Inc. Renesas MS7751RSE01 ms7751Rse
SH4 Uncertified Advanet Inc. Advme7004 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for Advme7004
StrongARM Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel SA-110/21285 Evaluation Board (ebsa285) ebsa285
StrongARM Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel SA1110/SA1111 Dev. Platform (assabet) assabet
Toshiba TX49xx Wind River Product Toshiba Corporation RBTX4927 rbtx4927
Toshiba TX49xx Wind River Product Toshiba Corporation RBTX4937 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for rbtx4937
Toshiba TX49xx Wind River Product Toshiba Corporation RBTX4938 rbtx4938
Toshiba TX49xx Wind River Product Toshiba Corporation RBTX4939 VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for rbtx4939
Toshiba TX49xx Wind River Product Toshiba Corporation Toshiba RBTX4951/RBTX4955 rbtx495x
Toshiba TX49xx Not Supported Toshiba Corporation RBTX4925 (RBHMA4300 (GA)) rbtx4925
X86 Wind River Product Commercial Board Vendors Commercial Pentium Board pc486
XScale Wind River Product ADI Engineering ADI BRH 80200 Reference Platform ibrh80200
XScale Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel IXCDP1100 Development Platform ixcpd1100
XScale Wind River Product Intel Corporation Intel IXDP425 (Intel IXP400 Soft. Rel. 1.3-1.5) ixdp425
XScale Not Supported Intel Corporation Intel IXDP2401 Development Platform VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for ixdp2401
XScale Not Supported Intel Corporation Intel IXDP2800 Development Platform ixdp2800
XScale Not Supported Intel Corporation Intel IXDP2801 Development Platforms VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP for ixdp2801