BECKHOFF倍福BK9105总线耦合器价格 参数
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公司为所有常用的 I/O 信号和现场总线系统提供全系列的总线组件。我们提供类型丰富的 I/O 组件,供您选择适合的总线系统现场总线组件
The BK9105 Bus Coupler connects EtherNet/IP with the modular, extendable electronic terminal blocks. One unit consists of one Bus Coupler, any number from 1 to 64 terminals (255 with K-bus extension) and one end terminal.
The Bus Coupler recognises the terminals to which it is connected, and performs the assignment of the inputs and outputs to the words of the process image automatically. The BK9105 Bus Coupler supports 10 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s Ethernet. Connection is through normal RJ45 connectors. The IP address is set on the DIP switch (offset to a freely selectable start address). In networks with DHCP (a service for the allocation of the logical IP address to the physical node address [MAC-ID]) the Bus Coupler obtains its IP address from the DHCP server.
The BK9105 contains a 3-port switch. Two ports operate external on RJ45 connectors and can be utilised. The I/O stations can thus be configured with a line topology, instead of the classic star topology. In many applications this significantly reduces the wiring effort and the cabling costs. The maximum distance between two couplers is 100 m. Up to 20 BK9105 Bus Couplers are cascadable, so that a maximum line length of 2 km can be achieved.
Ethernet/IP is the Industrial Ethernet standard of ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association). Ethernet/IP is based on Ethernet TCP/IP and UDP/IP – IP stands for Industrial Protocol. Essentially, the CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) used in ControlNet and DeviceNet was ported to Ethernet TCP/IP and UDP/IP.
System data | EtherNet/IP | BK9105 |
Number of I/O stations | only limited by IP addresses |
Number of I/O points | depending on controller |
Data transfer medium | 4 x 2 twisted pair copper cable; category 3 (10 Mbaud), category 5 (100 Mbaud) |
Distance between stations | 100 m between hub/switch and Bus Coupler or between Bus Coupler and Bus Coupler |
Data transfer rates | 10/100 Mbaud |
Topology | line or star wiring |
Cascading | up to 20 BK9105 or max. line length 2 km |
Technical data | BK9105 |
Number of Bus Terminals | 64 (255 with K-bus extension) |
Max. number of bytes fieldbus | 512 byte input and 512 byte output |
Digital peripheral signals | 512 inputs/outputs |
Analog peripheral signals | 256 inputs/outputs |
Protocol | EtherNet/IP |
Configuration possibility | via KS2000 |
Data transfer rates | 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition of the transmission rate |
Bus interface | 2 x RJ45 (2-channel switch) |
Power supply | 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) |
Input current | 70 mA + (total K-bus current)/4, 500 mA max. |
Starting current | 2.5 x continuous current |
Recommended fuse | ≤ 10 A |
Current supply K-bus | 1750 mA |
Power contacts | 24 V DC max./10 A max. |
Electrical isolation | 500 V (power contact/supply voltage/fieldbus) |
Weight | approx. 170 g |
Operating/storage temperature | -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C |
Relative humidity | 95 %, no condensation |
Vibration/shock resistance | conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27 |
EMC immunity/emission | conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4 |
Protect. class/installation pos. | IP 20/variable |
Approvals | CE, UL, Ex, GL |