联系人:张经理 13933002678
先,我们一起来看看造成飞鸽手扳葫芦断裂的原因。其实造成正常起吊中的手扳葫芦出现手柄断裂的情况,可能是用户直接或者间接的超载使用飞鸽手扳葫芦,可能是用户私自的对手柄进行了改动,可能是您购买的假冒部件手柄本身质量有问题,还有可能是您没有在操作之前进行检验将损坏的设备投入到了使用中等等的原因,总结来看都是用户方面的原因。所以请广大用户以后注意规范使用; 然后,我们再一起来看看飞鸽手扳葫芦出现手柄断裂有哪些危害。如果使用中的飞鸽手扳葫芦的手柄出现了断裂的情况,那么受影响的当然是其他的飞鸽手扳葫芦部件以及起吊的货物。货物将会依靠惯性继续的运行,将出现罩壳受撞击变形等异常,或者是直接的坠落地面威胁到工作人员的安全;最后,咱们再来看看处理的方案,看看如何避免这种情况再次出现。为飞鸽手扳葫芦更换全新的高质量相同规格的手柄,再检查其他相关部件是否存在问题,一并进行处理。
First, let's take a look at the causes of pigeon hoist fault. In fact, by pulling hoist lifting the handle normal fault situation, the user may be direct or indirect use of overload dove lever hoist, may be to handle users without a change, there may be a problem of counterfeit parts you buy handle quality, there may be no damage to the equipment will test your investment the reason to use and so on were before the operation, the summary is the user. So please note the majority of users after the standard use; then, we again see the dove pulling hoist appeared handle fracture what harm. If the handle in the use of pigeon hand hoist appeared fracture, then the affected of course is flying hand hoist and lifting parts of other goods. The goods will continue to rely on inertia to run casing impact deformation will appear abnormal, or falling to the ground directly threaten the safety of staff; finally, let's look at the treatment plan, see how to avoid this situation again. The replacement of the same specifications for high quality new dove hand hoist, and then check the other parts of the existence of the problem, be processed.
许久,老人都没有说一句话,长长地叹了一口气,说到 “她走了,就在前几个月”她走之前还说:这辈子能够遇到你,我很幸福,我走了,你也不要觉得很悲伤,你也都这把年纪了,过不了几年,我们又会见面的,不许掉眼泪,去做一些不会让你遗憾的事情,不许掉眼泪,我累了,该歇歇了。
Dove hand gourd belong to metal material hoist, when the protective layer on the surface of the damaged or user long time will be in a humid environment, long-term operation of improper operation causes flying hand hoist handle abnormal fracture, equipment damage occurs is of course to deal with. So how to deal with the flying hand hoist the rusty parts abnormal? Let's take a look at our analysis.