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Triconex 3008 Triconex 3201
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      The La Civilta Cattolica article also provides one answer to a hot debate among Catholics regarding the Church's China strategy nowadays: does it want to Christianize China or sinicize the Catholic Church in China?

      China has been tightening its management of religions since 2014, and Chinese religious authorities have said the country should sinicize religions so as to help prevent hostile foreign forces from altering China's ideology and political system through the use of religion.

      Last month, the State Administration for Religious Affairs organized a 6-day training course in Beijing attended by over 150 Christians from across the country, at which they were told to promote the sinification of Christianity. Such seminars were also held in provinces with significant Christian populations including Fujian and Zhejiang.

      During a seminar held in Leshan, Sichuan Province in March, which was attended by provincial ethnic affairs officials and 60 bishops, priests and sisters in the parish, courses were given under the theme of "promoting sinification of Catholicism in Sichuan."

      Bishops Paul Lei Shiyin and Peter Luo Xuegang both made speeches asking listeners to put into practice this latest religious policy.

      In Huangshan, Anhui Province, over 300 Catholics attended a night gala under the theme of "sinification of Catholicism," during which Christians performed traditional Chinese operas and sang red songs as a way to show their support of Chinese socialism.

      Professor Wang said Christianity has always embraced "localization" so as to better approach the local community, but the idea of sinification, which sounds more political, has set alarm bells ringing among some Catholics.

      Many Catholics fear that this will result in a loss of independence of the Church and undermine its relationship with the Holy See. "That calls for flexibility but at the same time the Church wants to be faithful to the gospel of Christ and that calls for firmness in matters of faith. Combining the two is a challenge for the Church at all time in all countries, also in China today," Father Heyndrickx said.

      "Missionaries went to China to Christianize China. In the process they often did not sufficiently respect Chinese culture. History rightly blames them for it. Today China proclaims that it wants to sinicize foreign religions, including Christian faith. The question on the table now is whether China is ready to respect Christian faith. If not history will also blame China," he said.

      Professor Sisci takes a milder attitude. "I think perhaps the Catholic Church should divide the issue. In principle the Pope said the Chinese Church should breathe with two lungs, or walk with two legs: a Chinese leg and a leg of the unity with the Universal Church … Certainly this position will find a lot of problems in its application, but with reasonable attitude on both sides, once the principle is accepted, solutions to the many concrete problems can be found more easily."
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