Buy asphalt tile, linoleum tile, glass fiber tile, PVC outer wall hanging board, cement wood grain board can contact me, quality assurance, price excellent
Wholesale. I am Hangzhou E-co building materials Co. Ltd. Wei manager, factory specializing in the production of exterior wall roof gutter system ten
Nine years, I dare not say how good the quality is and how much it is sold. However, there has been a steady proportion both at home and abroad
To use the PVC cement tile, hanging board, wood board, finished gutter customers can add my WeChat's mobile phone number, understand the details
To provide free samples of atlas reference, or recommend your local real project case study, of course, I would like to participate in the factory
Product Description: asphalt tile is a new type of lightweight environmental protection material, the specifications of single layer is 1000*330*2.6 mm, double deck
1000*330*5.0 mm, the general asphalt tile is divided into single layer and double deck, single layer is divided into single layer standard type, single layer mosaic type
Single, square, single, Gothic, single, fish scale, double standard, for order reference.
Product advantages; weight, light, waterproof performance is also very good, relative to ordinary tile freight costs, installation costs are low,
And asphalt tile more beautiful, better collocation, color stability, guarantee twenty years no problem.
Mode of transportation; general delivery, we are to take the logistics line, sent to the local goods station to pick up goods, or need to send goods in advance
Hello, I'm here to verify the logistics. 那女学生黛玉,身体方愈,原不忍弃父而往,无奈他外祖母致意务去,且兼如海说:“汝父年将半百,再无续室之意,且汝多病,年又极小,上无亲母教养,下无姊妹兄弟扶持,今依傍外祖母及舅氏姊妹去,正好减我顾盼之忧,何反云不往?"黛玉听了,方洒泪拜别,随了奶娘及荣府几个老妇人登舟而去.雨村另有一只船,带两个小童,依附黛玉而行.