15212-11 15215-1 15218-1
15212-11 15215-1 15218-1
  • 规格:完善
  • 发货地:泉州
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  • 最小起订量:1件
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      The UN Security Council on Saturday unanimously passed a resolution to impose ever tougher sanctions on North Korea. Many of these measures need to be paid by China, as China has been North Korea's biggest trading partner due to geographic reasons.

      But in the past two days, some mainstream US media opined that the new resolution was a compromise by Washington to China and Russia. Fox News even called on US President Donald Trump to "use his Twitter feed and tell the world Beijing has 30 days to comply with UN sanctions on North Korea - or else."

      The US is the sole superpower, but its media and elites are the most narrow-minded. They unreasonably require the whole world to serve US interests, which they view as universal values.

      North Korea sees the US-South Korea alliance as a threat. Given various reasons, it embarked on the wrong path of developing nuclear and missile technology. Washington and Seoul take security as their core interests, but so does Pyongyang which is vulnerable to the US-South Korea alliance. If the enmity between the US and North Korea cannot be resolved, the motives of North Korea to own nuclear weapons and develop intercontinental ballistic missiles that can reach US soil will not cease.

      External sanctions will only delay North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and missiles, but cannot crush the determination of Pyongyang to stick to this path. Why does US society keep silent about such a simple and tested fact?

      The US asks China for help when it cannot solve its problems with North Korea. Some US elites even want to urge China to claim full responsibility for the issue or they will threaten to retaliate. Under this logic, isn't it reasonable for North Korea to attack its southern neighbor when it is under military threat from the US?

      Moreover, those US elites may not have considered the leverage China has over the US. What if China restricts the usage of iPhones and the number of Chinese students to the US, or imports fewer US agricultural products?

      Since the UN Security Council began to impose sanctions on North Korea in 2006, China has paid the highest diplomatic and economic price. China-North Korea relations started to chill at that time. It has been six years since top leaders of the two countries exchanged visit. Trade between China and North Korea plummeted, in stark contrast to China's increasing trade volumes with other neighboring countries.

      The US wants China to play a leading role in sanctioning Pyongyang so it can reap the benefits. Meanwhile, the US and South Korea could just be bystanders as China and North Korea confront each other.

      By shifting the responsibility to China, the US can also cover up its inability to deal with the North Korean nuclear issue and avoid troubles from its adjustment of the North Korea policy.

      Many Americans view the world through a superior lens. They believe only the US and the West are right in everything and the politics of non-Western countries are immature.

      US society may have to reshape a broader vision and a rational way of thinking. Only when mainstream opinion is clear-headed, can the US cope with all kinds of challenges more effectively.
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