卡特140H 平地机,卡特140K平地机3306发动机~100%原件,卡特装载机,卡特推土机,卡特挖掘机所售产品均有品质保证,售后无忧。专业从事进出口国内外贸易往来,我们的客户遍及东南亚、中东、非洲、南美洲、亚洲和一带一路的发展中国家。一级供应商,国内有六十多家销售点,如火爆的机械外贸出口城市上海、广州、福建、山东、河南、安徽等等,同时我们也是这些代理的源头工厂,也是货源保障工厂。本公司产品质量保证,品种齐全,覆盖范围:挖掘机、迷你挖掘机、工程车、搅拌车、压路机、平地机、装载机、摊铺机、等等!如果你是同行,或者正在寻找工程机械。那么恭喜你。不要再划走了,品质有保障。价格同行业较合适。合作共赢让支持各兄弟公司,一手扶持外贸公司,让我们走向世界、走向胜利。未来一定属于你!
Our company specializes in import and export trade at home and abroad. Our customers are all over Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South America, Asia and developing countries along the the Belt and Road. We are a first-class supplier with over 60 domestic agents, such as the popular export cities of machinery such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Fujian, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, etc. We are also the source factory of these agents and the source guarantee factory of goods. Our company's product quality is guaranteed, with a complete range of products, covering excavators, mini excavators, construction trucks, mixing trucks, road rollers, graders, loaders, pavers, and more! If you are in the same industry or are looking for construction machinery. So congratulations. Don't cross it off again, the quality is guaranteed. The price is the lowest in the same industry. Win-win cooperation enables us to go global, support our brother companies, and support foreign trade companies to achieve victory. The future will definitely belong to you!