  • 规格:6ES7241-1CH30-1XB0
  • 发货地:广州
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1台
  • 免费会员










      SIMATIC S7-1200, Communication Board CB 1241, RS-485,接线盒, 支持自由端口
      净重 (Kg) 0.029 Kg
      产品尺寸 (W x L X H) 未提供
      包装尺寸 5.00 x 8.20 x 2.80
      包装尺寸单位的测量 CM
      数量单位 1 件
      包装数量 1
      EAN 6940408100930
      UPC 040892696707
      商品代码 85176200
      LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID ST72
      产品组 4510
      原产国 中国
      Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive RoHS 合规开始日期: 2014.05.15
      SIMATIC S7-1200, 通信模块 CM 1241, RS422/485,9 针 Sub-D(插座) 支持自由端口
      SIMATIC HMI,KTP700 基本版, 精简面板, 按键式/触摸式操作, 7" TFT 显示屏,65536 颜色, PROFINET 接口, 可项目组态的最低版本 WinCC Basic V13/ STEP 7 Basic V13, 包含开源软件,加热 免费提供 参见随附 CD
      6.4Nm 100K, 4500rpm,2.03kW 自冷却式IM B5(V1、 V3) 结构 IMB 5(IM V1,IM V3) 法兰 1 功率连接器可旋转 24 位绝对值编码器 + 12 位多匝 带 Drive-CLiQ 接口 (编码器 AM24DQI) 光滑的轴,公差 N 带驻车制动器 防护等级 IP65
      SIMOTICS S 同步电机 1FT7,M0 = 5Nm (100K)NN = 3000rpm,PN = 1.35kW 自冷却式 结构 IMB 5(IM V1,IM V3) 经典法兰(1FT6/1FK7 相兼容) 功率插头 可旋转 增量编码器 2048 S/R 带 Drive-CLiQ 接口 (编码器 I-2048) 插头可旋转 带滑键的轴,带驻车 制动器,径向跳动公差 R 振动强度等级 A 防护等级 IP 64
       6AU1400-2PA23-0AA0-Z M42
      基于 SIMOTION Drive 的 1 GB CF 卡 D4x5-2; SINAMICS-驱动软件 V5.x 和 SIMOTION Kernel,用于 SIMOTION D4x5-2; 最新软件版本; 提示:不用于 SIMOTION D410,D4x5 und D410-2 M42:许可证时, MULTIAXES 包 D425/D425-2

      图10. EM AE04 组态

      注:EM AE04 的设置以2个通道为一组设置

      图11. EM AM06 组态

      注:  西门子原装1200PLC通信板6ES7241-1CH30-1XB0

      1. 输入通道设置与EM AE04 相同;
      2. 输出通道0 与通道1 替代值设置为一组
      3. 选择不同的输出类型,通道诊断的报警设置不同,如下表

      表9. EM AM06 输出通道报警

        电压 电流
      断线 x
      短路 x

      图12. EM AR02 模块组态

      图13. EM AT04 模块组态


      S7-200 到S7-200 SMART 基本程序移植


      步骤1:STEP 7-MicroWIN SMART 打开S7-200 程序,如下图所示:  西门子原装1200PLC通信板6ES7241-1CH30-1XB0

      图14. S7-200 SMART 编程界面


      图15. S7-200 SMART 组态界面






      S7-200 :0~20mA:0~32000;4~20mA:6400~32000

      S7-200 SMART:0~20mA:0~27648;4~20mA:5530~27648

      图16. 修改硬件地址

      图17. 修改程序段



      与 SIRIUS 3RT2 接触器配套的功能模块




      提供了可方便地插到规格为 S00 和 S0 的新一代 3RT2 接触器中的功能模块,在组装直接起动器、可逆起动器和星-三角起动器时,可减少控制回路的接线。这样就可快速、方便、(被别是)可靠地实现这些规格的接触器组件。

      用于直接起动(定时继电器)的功能模块可延时打开/闭合基本接触器,并具有较宽电压范围;可逆起动器组件集成有机械和电气联锁。若使用功能模块(而不是通过复杂接线)来实现性-三角组装,则不仅控制回路中的接线可节省 70%,而且所占的空间较小,因为已集成星-三角定时继电器和线圈保护电路。

      用于接口至 PLC 的功能模块

      上述具有起动器功能的功能模块也具有 AS-Interface 或 IO-Link 接口。除了分支内的接线减少之外,与上位 PLC 的接口也大大简化。至 PLC 的复杂控制电路接线几乎可以完全省略,而在 PLC 上,输入与输出模块仅需要很小的空间。

      重新设计的 SIRIUS 组件无缝集成在 STEP 7 中,因此,可在 PLC 中集中获得数据,并可方便地将数据读出。这样就可在工厂范围内实现直至现场级部件的诊断。

      通过 AS-i 或 IO-Link,可方便地传输电机起动器的运行数据,如就绪信号、ON/OFF 和组警告/故障等。由于始终可通过相同的输入/输出行规来寻址所有类型的起动器,各个分支的编程大大简化。

      也可将“本地手动模式”、“顺时针/逆时针结束位置”、“辅助电压或电网电压缺失”等诊断消息直接传输到 PLC,或通过 IO-Link 来传输设备故障。


      所有功能模块均可用于任何一种规格 (S00/S0),并且都可进行螺钉型端子连接和弹簧型端子连接。

      AeroMACS (Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communications System) is a new data link technology intended to support airport surface communications. This wireless technology is mandated by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and will be used for airport ground communications as well as for a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic around the globe. Using the 5000–5030 MHz and the 5091–5150 MHz band, allocated by the International Telecommunication Union, the RUGGEDCOM WIN products are optimized for AeroMACS based airport surface communications. With the use of an all IP radio, RUGGEDCOM WIN products can be easily integrated in existing airport networks or future networks such as PENS (Pan European Network Services) in Europe, or SWIM (System Wide Information Management) in North America. Siemens offers 4 products for setting up wireless networks in airports: the RUGGEDCOM WIN7251 base station, the WIN5251 pole-mounted subscriber unit, the WIN5151, and the WIN5151-V-GPS mobile subscriber units. These products go beyond the AeroMACS standard feature set to provide the following additional functionality: ? Built-in ASN (Access Service Network) Gateway, with embedded management for routing and mobility in the base station ? Full Layer 2 deployment option, including encrypted multicast VLANs support ? IP-CS and ETH-CS co-existence ? Highly accurate NTP Server at the subscriber unit to synchronize end devices ? IEEE1588 synchronization support, with redundancy to GPS ? Extended cell range: coverage beyond the required 8 km and up to 40 km ? SNMP-V3 management system Siemens AG Process Industries and Drives Process Automation Postfach 48 48 90026 Nürnberg Germany Siemens Canada Limited 300 Applewood Crescent Concord, Ontario, L4K 5C7 Canada © Siemens AG 2016 Subject to change without prior notice Available as PDF only Security information In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions only form one element of such a concept. For more information about industrial security, please visit siemens.com/industrialsecurity The information provided in this flyer contains descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice. All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties

      SIPROCESS GA700 Rack/Wall-mounted Housing



      The new SIPROCESS GA700 series of gas analyzers makes it possible to combine up to two modules in one single housing: in either wall-mounted housing or in 19" rack housing with three different height units, depending on the individual requirements.



      Overview of wall-mounted and rack housing options:

      • Both the wall-mounted and rack housing options with IP 65 protection class have ATEX and IEC Ex approval.

      • With Ex p protection, the pressurized wall-mounted unit can be operated together with an approved purging unit in Zone 1 for measuring both flammable and non-flammable gases.

      • With Ex nR protection, the restricted-breathing wallmounted unit can be operated in Zone 2 for measuring gases with concentrations always below the lower explosive limit (LEL).

      • With a suitable exterior casing, the 19" rack housing with Ex nA protection can be operated in Zone 2 for measuring both flammable and non-flammable gases.

      Both housings can be used in environments with an ambient temperature of up to 50 °C (122 °F) and are equipped with the simple, easily understandable operating concept of the new SIPROCESS GA700 series.

      Gas analysis with the SIPROCESS GA700: highly accessible servicing and a uniform operating concept.

      Gas analysis has never been easier!


  • 0571-87774297