输送润滑油、合成矿物油、燃油、液压油、机械油、齿轮油、透平油、密封油、控制油、淬火油(液)、切削油、冷却油、芳烃油、水乙二醇、多元醇、异氰酸酯、油漆、涂料、成品油、原油、重油、燃料油、柴油、渣油、石蜡、沥青油、各种动植物油、菜籽油、豆油、色拉油、棕榈油、毛油以及各种粘胶等有一定润滑性和适当粘度的,不含磨损性颗粒和腐蚀性的所有流体性介质。 Conveying lubricating oil, synthetic mineral oil, fuel oil, hydraulic oil, machine oil, gear oil, turbine oil, seal oil, control oil, quenching oil (liquid), water glycol, cutting oil, cooling oil, aromatic oil, polyols and isocyanates, paint, coatings, product oil and crude oil, heavy oil, fuel oil, diesel oil, residual oil, paraffin, asphalt, various kinds of animal and plant oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, salad oil, palm oil, oil and various kinds of viscose etc have certain lubricity and appropriate viscosity, excluding all wear particles and corrosive fluid medium.
供油、输送、润滑、循环、冷却、密封、增压、喷燃、喂料、倒灌、装卸、抽油、发运、供给、驳运、扫舱、清仓、货油、计量、液压试验、中大型齿轮箱的轴承齿轮轴瓦冷却润滑、管道冲洗油泵、液压油缸驱动、舞台升降,锚机制动控制、大流量远距离原油集输增压等几乎所有工业油品泵送应用领域。 Oil supply, transmission, lubrication, circulation, cooling, sealing, pressurization, spray combustion, feeding, flow backward, loading and unloading, sucker, shipment, supply, transfer, stripping, clearance, cargo, metering, hydraulic test, the oil cylinder driving, lifting stage, anchor mechanism motion control and long-distance crude oil gathering and transferring pressurization, almost all the industrial drive applications.