Thermanit 13/04 Si GMAW wire C Si Mn Cr Mo Ni 0.03 0.8 0.7 13.0 0.5 4.7 Materials Typical analysis in % (G)X5CrNi13-4 (1.4313) X6CrAl13 (1.4002) ACI Gr. CA 6NM Characteristics and field of use Stainless. Corrosion-resistant similar to matching 13 % Cr(Ni) steels/cast steel grades. High resistance to corrosion fatigue cracking. For joining and surfacing applications with matching 13 % Cr(Ni) and 13 % Cr steels/cast steel grades. Packaging and weights Diam. (mm) Spool kg / pack 1.0 B300 15 1.2 B300 15 Classifications EN 12072 AWS A 5.9 Mat. No. G 13 4 天津海焊ER410NiMo (mod.) 1.4351 Structure Martensite, suitable for quenching and tempering Polarity = + Shielding gas (EN 439) M12, M13 Mechanical properties of the weld metal according to EN 1597-1 (min. values at RT) Heat- Yield str. Tensile Elongation Impact treatment 0.2 % strength (L0=5d0) values Hardness N/mm2 N/mm2 % in J CVN HB30 HRC 600°C/8 h 680 800 15 50 250 (1112°F / 8 h) AW 38 Welding instruction Materials Matching steels/ cast steel grades 13 % Cr steels/ cast steel grades Post weld treatment Tempering or quenching and tempering, according to parent metal Tempering or quenching and tempering, according to parent metal Preheating Up to 10 mm wall thickness: none, over 10 mm wall thickness: 100-150 °C (212-302 °F) According to parent metal