特 性 | 中硬度钢焊条HRC45~48 Hardness steel electrode in HRC45 ~ 48 |
用 途 | 适用于汽车模具,热坯模,铸钢模耐中高温冲击磨耗之机件延压部分的修补,焊层可加工. Applicable to auto mould casting mould casting, heat resistant steel, high impact abrasion of the drawing and pressing machine, welding parts repair coating can be processed. |
规 格 | 2.6¢ 3.2¢ 4.0¢ |
特 性 | 高度耐热耐磨耗,540℃高温依然可保持52~54HRC. High abrasion resistance, heat 1,000-degree still can keep 54HRC - 52. |
用 途 | 用于耐热耐磨耗硬度要求很高的锻模或锤锻模刃口修复.更适用于H13等热作模具局部和型腔修复. For high hardness resistant abrasion resistance of blade forging hammer forging or repair H13 etc. More suitable for ReZuo mold cavity and local repair. |
规 格 | 2.6¢ 3.2¢ 4.0¢ |
特 性 | 熔敷金属为低碳合金 含Ni Cr Mo V 极具韧性,含Mo V 所以回火时抗软化,反复冷却加热也能保持良好的耐热性能. For low carbon deposited metal alloys containing Ni Cr Mo V extremely toughness, including Mo V so when the tempering softening, cooling heating can keep good heat resistance. |
用 途 | 热作锻造模的修补,要求在500℃耐热耐冲击耐金属间磨耗部分的堆焊. ReZuo forging repair, requirements of 500 degrees in heat resistant to abrasion resistance to impact between metal parts of the hardfacing. |
规 格 | 2.6¢ 3.2¢ 4.0¢ |
特 性 | 专为修补困难的淬火硬化型模具钢和修补硬化堆焊缺损部分的焊接而开发设计的钛钙性焊条,不须要高温预热即可堆焊. Designed for repairing difficult quench hardened steel type and repair the defect of hardening surfacing welding and part of the design and development of titanium rod, don't need calcium temperature preheating can hardfacing. |
用 途 | 焊补冲压模 锻造模 工具钢等淬火硬化后模具材料的修补. Progressive metal stamping mould forging weld-repair after quench hardened steel mold materials etc. |
规 格 | 2.6¢ 3.2¢ 4.0¢ |
特 性 | Cr Mo W V 多元合金耐磨堆焊材料,堆焊金属具有较高的抗摩擦压力 冲击及高温性能,通过热处理可调整硬度至HRC60~64. Cr Mo w. v. multielement alloy wear-resistant overlaying welding materials and high pressure and high temperature performance impact friction, through the treatment can be adjusted to HRC60 ~ 64 hardness. |
用 途 | 用于高速钢切割工具的修复制造,尤其是剪切刃口和工作面的堆焊,也可以在碳钢和低合金钢的母材上堆焊制成新工具. HSS cutting tools for repair, especially the shear blade and made the surfacing, also can be in the carbon steel and the low alloy steel base on made new tools. # |
规 格 | 2.6¢ 3.2¢ 4.0¢ |
特 性 | 焊后硬度59~62HRC 淬火后为62~64HRC C 0.9 Cr 4.5 Mo 8 W 2 V 1.5. Weld hardness 62HRC ~ 59 after 62 ~ 64HRC quenching C 0.9 Cr 4.5 Mo 8 W 2 V 1.5. |
用 途 | 修复高速工具钢,如切削冲孔和刨工具,高温冲压工具和模具,剪切刀板轧钢和切削工具下模的切削刃口. Repair, such as high-speed tool steel cutting planer tools, high temperature and punching moulds, stamping tools and cutting knife plate rolling and cutting tools under the mold cutting edge. |
规 格 | 2.6¢ 3.2¢ 4.0¢ |
特 性 | 溶敷金属具有低硬度高韧性,可耐热耐腐蚀耐冲击磨耗. Dissolve deposited metal has low hardness and high toughness, heat corrosion resistance to impact abrasion. |
用 途 | 适用于特殊材料的修补堆焊或者冷冲压模具的衬焊使用. Applicable to special material repair or cold stamping mould buttering welding line. |
规 格 | 2.6¢ 3.2¢ 4.0¢ |
特 性 | 操作性极好,溶敷金属以Fe Ni Cr为主要元素的双层组织, ,耐酸抗氧化性优良,焊后具有硬度低高韧性,又具有耐热耐冲击磨耗等特点. Excellent operability, soluble metal to apply for the main elements of Fe Ni Cr layer of organization, acid oxidation resistance, excellent welding, high toughness and hardness with low abrasion resistance and impact resistance, etc. |
用 途 | 铸钢的焊接,工具钢冲压模 高低压铸模 塑胶模等高裂性材料焊接和做为打底缓冲层. Steel welding steel plastic mold casting mould pressing high sexual material welding and high crack a render buffer layer. |
规 格 | 2.6¢ 3.2¢ 4.0¢ |