原装德国UTP 6225 Al、ENiCrFe-12镍基焊条:UTP 6225 Al nickel alloys
Classifications basic coated NiCrFe stick electrode
EN ISO 14172 AWS A5.11 Material-No.
E Ni 6025 (NiCr25Fe10AlY) E NiCrFe-12 2.4649
Characteristics and field of use
UTP 6225 Al is suitable for joining high-temperature and heat resistant nickel-base alloys
of identical and similar nature, such as 2.4633 (NiCr25-FeAlY), 2.4851 (NiCr23Fe) and high
nickel containing cast alloys.
The special features of the weld metal include an excellent resistance against oxidation and
carburization and a good creep rupture strength. For service temperature up to 1200 °C,
e.g. steel tubes, rolls and baffles in ovens, ethylene cracking tubes, muffles.
Typical analysis in %
C Si Mn Cr Ni Ti Zr Al Fe Y
0,2 0,6 0,1 25,0 balance 0,1 0,03 1,8 10,0 0,02
Mechanical properties of the weld metal
Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm Elongation A Impact strength KV
MPa MPa % J
> 500 > 700 > 15 > 30
Welding instruction
Hold stick electrode as vertically as possible, keep a short arc. Use string beads technique
and fill end crater carefully. Interpass temperature max. 150 °C. Re-dry stick electrodes for
2 – 3 hours / 250 – 300 °C.
Current type DC (+)
Form of delivery and recommended welding parameters
Electrodes Ø mm x L 2,5 x 250 3,2 x 300 4,0 x 350
Amperage 50 – 65 80 – 95 90 – 120