Category | Trade-mark | Specification | Melting | Chemical | Application | Equivalent |
Copper 铜锌 | L103 | Wire & rod | 885-888 | Cu54 Zn Rem. | Brazing of copper, bronze and steel, subjected to low load. | 斯米克L325银焊丝 |
L104 | Foil | 890-930 | Cu57 Mn2 | Brazing of carbide cutting tool. | (2)药皮类型:氧化钛型 电源种类:直流或交流 主要特点:含多量氧化钛,焊条工艺性能良好,电弧稳定,再引弧方便,飞溅很小,熔深较浅,熔渣覆盖性良好,脱渣容易,焊缝波纹特别美观,可全位置焊接,尤宜于薄板焊接,但焊缝塑性和抗裂性稍差。随药皮中钾、钠及铁粉等用量的变化,分为高钛钾型、高钛钠型及铁粉钛型等 | |
Copper 铜磷 | L201 | Cast rod, wire & rod, powder | 710-800 | P7 Cu Rem. | Brazing of copper and copper alloys. | BCuP-2 |
L204 | Cast rod, wire | 640-815 | P5 Ag15 | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, silver and molybdenum etc. | BCuP-5 | |
L205 | Cast rod, wire & rod, powder | 640-800 | P6 Ag5 | Brazing of copper and copper alloys. | BCuP-3 | |
L207 | Cast rod, wire & rod | 640-770 | P7 Ag5 | Brazing of copper and copper alloys. | BCuP-7 | |
L209 | Cast rod, wire | 684-710 | P7 Ag2 | Brazing of copper and copper alloys. | BCuP-6 | |
Silver 银基 | L302 | Wire & rod | 745-775 | Ag25 Cu40 | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. | 编辑 |
L303 | Wire & rod | 660-725 | Ag45 Cu30 | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. | BAg-5 | |
L303F | Flux coated rod | 660-725 | Ag45 Cu30 | L303 coated with flux, the same application as L303. | BAg-5 | |
L304 | Foil | 690-775 | Ag50 Cu34 | Brazing of copper, copper alloys and steel etc. | BAg-6 | |
L308 | Wire & rod | 779-780 | Ag72 Cu Rem. | Brazing of copper and nickel under vacuum or reducing protective atmosphere. | BAg-8 | |
L312 | Wire & rod | 595-605 |
| Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. | ||
L313 | Wire & rod | 625-635 |
| Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. | BAg-1a | |
L321 | Wire & rod 丝 | 615-650 |
| Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. | BAg-7 | |
L323 | Wire & rod | 665-755 |
| Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. | (3)药皮类型:钛钙型 电源种类: 直流或交流 主要特点:药皮中含氧化钛30%以上,钙、镁的碳酸盐20%以下,焊条工艺性能良好,熔渣流动性好,熔深一般,电弧稳定,焊缝美观,脱渣方便,适用于全位置焊接,如J422即属此类型,是目前碳钢焊条中使用最广泛的一种焊条。 | |
L325 | Wire & rod | 645-685 |
| Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. | BAg-36 | |
L326 | Wire & rod | 650-720 |
| Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. | BAg-34 | |
Aluminum base 铝基 | L400 | Cast rod, wire & rod | 577-582 | Si11.5 | Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys. | BAlSi-4 |
L401 | Cast rod | 525-535 | Si5 Cu28 | Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys. | ||
Tin lead 锡铅 | L600 | Wire & rod | 183-185 | Sn60 Sb≤0.8 | Soldering of fusible metals and heat-treated part. | 60Sn |
L601 | Wire & rod | 183-227 | Sn18 Sb2 | Soldering of copper, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet. | 18Sn | |
L602 | Wire & rod | 183-256 | Sn30 Sb2 | Soldering of copper, brass, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet. | 30Sn | |
L603 | Wire & rod | 183-235 | Sn40 Sb2 | Soldering of copper, copper alloys, steel and zinc parts. | 40Sn | |
L604 | Wire & rod | 183-222 | Sn90 Sb≤0.15 | Soldering of copper and steel for food and medicine field. | 90Sn | |
L605 | Wire & rod | 232-240 | Ag5 Sn95 | Soldering of copper and steel for electrical and food field. | (5)药皮类型:氧化铁型 电源种类: 直流或交流 主要特点:药皮中含多量氧化铁和较多的锰铁脱氧剂,熔深大,熔化速度快,焊接生产率较高,电弧稳定,再引弧方便,立焊、仰焊较困难,飞溅稍大,焊缝抗热裂性能较好,适用于中厚板焊接。由于电弧吹力大,适于野外操作。若药皮中加入一定量的铁粉,为铁粉氧化钛型。 | |
L608 | Wire & rod | 295-305 | Sn5.5 Ag2.5 | Soldering of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel. | ||
Nickel base 镍基 | L702 | Powder | 970-1000 | Cr7 B3 Si4 | Brazing of stainless steel under vacuum or protective atmosphere. | BNi-2 |
焊接碳钢及低合金钢的焊芯, 一般都选用低碳钢作为焊芯,并添加锰、硅、铬、镍等成分(详见焊丝国家标准GB1300一77)。采用低碳的原因一方面是含碳量低时钢丝塑性好,焊丝拉拔比较容易,另一方面可降低还原性气体CO含量,减少飞溅或气孔,并可增高焊缝金属凝固时的温度,对仰焊有利。加入其他合金元素主要为保证焊缝的综合机械性能,同时对焊接工艺性能及去除杂质,也有一定作用。