58300TPU:Estane 58300是一款82A聚氨酯弹性体TPU .透明粒子,聚醚,,Specific Gravity(比重)1.10g/cm3,Tensile Strength(拉伸强度)5500 (37.9) psi (MPa)。低磨量(非常耐磨),非常适合做注塑和挤出。 Material Preparation 1,Prior to processing, Estane 58300 TPU must be dried at 220°F (104°C) for 2-4 hours. 2,It is recommended to dry the material in a desiccant type dryer. Target dew point should be -40°C. 3,Depending on the applied processing technique, the maximum moisture level should be 0.02%.