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    Shipping & Marine Industry




    MWA International Ltd. has worked alongside the Shipping & Marine Industry for many years gaining invaluable experience. From this we have developed a unique range of welding electrodes to meet the requirement of reclamation & maintenance in Foundry Industry.


    MWA International Ltd. - Our aim is always to save companies money, we do this by reclaiming parts defects, reducing downtime and increasing the life of worn parts. This guide will isolate some of the more common problem areas within your industry, (see list below). Using our specialist knowledge we are able to provide solutions to problems and in doing so generate large cost savings for your company.

    MWA公司 - 我们的目标始终是为客户节省资金,我们通过修复损坏零部件及预防性维护、减少停机时间和提高修复件的使用寿命来实现这一目标。本文列出了您所在行业中一些常见的问题领域(请参阅下面的列表)。利用我们的专业知识,我们能够为您的公司提供解决问题的方案,从而节省大量成本。





    Cast Iron Repairs 铸铁件类

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405/E407


    Bronzes 青铜件类

    铜合金焊条Mac Bronze E809


    Shafts General 轴类

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Bumper Plates 减震器板

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306


    Armour Plate


    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E101Mo

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Stud Removal 螺栓拆除

    螺栓拆除焊条Mac Stud E73


    Valve Seats/Heads


    钴基焊条Mac Hica E3072(Stellite司太立6)


    Submarine Plate 海底钢板

    低合金钢焊条Mac Trode E61108


    Specialist Materials


    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E122/E124

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E410


    Cladding Valve/Pumps (625) 包覆阀/(625)

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213

    Problems & Solutions



    As a manufacturer we pride ourselves in not only supplying the right product for the job but also in ensuring that the correct methods of application are used before, during and after welding. The  marine industry is somewhat unique insofar as many of the repairs such as cast iron seem very general, but occasionally the requirement of “special” alloys is of paramount importance. This is where MWA International Ltd comes into its own with our extensive range of electrodes.


    1. Cast Iron Repairs - Many components on ships may be made from cast iron such as pumps, valves, engine blocks, winches etc and all will very likely be contaminated with oil/grease or salt water. The MWA range of cast iron electrodes have been designed to overcome these problems and deposit a sound, porosity free weld with maximum ease of application. Mac Cast E405 and Mac Cast E407 are particularly useful in joining cast iron to mild steel.

    铸铁维修 - 船舶上的许多部件由铸铁制成,如泵、阀门、发动机缸体、绞盘等,所有这些部件都很可能受到油脂或盐水的污染。MWA系列铸铁焊的设计旨在克服这些问题,并在上易于应用的情况下,形成一个良好的、无气孔的焊缝。铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405 E407在连接铸铁和低碳钢时特别有用。

    2. Bronze Repairs - Most naval bronzes tend to be of a higher % tin than standard bronzes, this helps give better anti sea water corrosion properties. The electrode recommended would be Mac Bronze E809 (DC output required). This electrode has many uses including bushes, bearings and propellor components.

    青铜修复 - 大多数船用青铜的锡含量往往高于标准青铜,这有助于提供更好的抗海水腐蚀性能。推荐的焊条铜合金焊条Mac Bronze E809(直流)。这种焊条有许多用途,包括衬套、轴承和螺旋桨部件。

    3. Shaft Repair - The most effective electrode for shaft repair is Mac Trode E66, this electrode will give a deposit resistant to heat, abrasion, friction and corrosion. As with all shaft repairs the correct deposition method should be used to prevent problems such as distortion.

    修理 - 用于轴维修的最有效焊条镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66,该焊条将提供耐热、耐磨、摩擦和耐腐蚀的熔敷物。与所有轴维修一样,应使用正确的堆焊方法来防止变形等问题。

    4. Armour Plate - On occasions it is required to join armour plate to other materials, two electrodes can be used Mac Trode E66 or Mac Stain E101Mo.

    装甲 - 在需要将装甲板与其他材料连接的情况下,可以使用以下种焊条,即镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E101 Mo

    5. Stud Removal - A very costly application is the removal of broken bolts or studs. Whilst the drilling and re-tapping is inexpensive but time is not !! With this in mind MWA has developed Mac Stud E73 which will remove broken bolts and studs without damaging the threads. A job which would  normally take hours now just takes minutes.

    螺柱拆除 - 拆除断裂的螺栓或螺柱是一种成本非常高的工作。虽然钻孔和重新攻丝本身成本低廉,但需要浪费不少宝贵的时间。考虑到这一点,MWA公司开发了专门用于螺栓拆除的焊条Mac Stud E73,它可以在不损坏螺纹的情况下移除断裂的螺栓和螺柱。通常需要几个小时的工作现在只需要几分钟就能轻松完成

    6. Valves seats/heads - Repairs to either valve seats or heads need to be tough without being too hard, they also need to be corrosion resistant and sometimes heat resistant, the electrode recommended is Mac Hica E3072.

    阀门 - 阀座或阀头坚而不太坚硬,耐腐蚀且耐热。推荐使用钴基焊条Mac Hica E3072(Stellite司太立6)

    7. Submarine Plate/Duplex Alloys/Martensitic Alloys - As stated previously, many naval requirements will request special electrodes, a repair may be required where a material match is vitally important e.g. Submarine plate: electrode Mac Trode E61108-M is the chosen alloy. Duplex alloys 2205 or 2207 would require electrode Mac Stain E122/E125.

    海底/双相合金/马氏体合金 - 如前所述,许多船用需求要求特殊焊材。在材料匹配极其重要的地方可能需要修复,如海底板:所选焊条E61108-M。双相合金22052207需要使用不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E122E125

    8. Cladding Valves/Pumps (625) - On occasion’s internal bores on pumps and valves are repaired to increase service life in excessively corrosive condition, Mac Nicro E213 is the answer, depositing  a “Inconel 625” type weld metal.

    /泵(625 - 泵和阀门上的内孔有时需要修理,以增加在过度腐蚀条件下的使用寿命,镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213就是理想的选择,熔敷Inconel 625合金焊缝金属。

    For any of the above applications please feel to contact MWA or local partner  for any technical advice, the Marine Industry is moving forward very quickly and materials and methods are constantly changing.


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