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联系 一五九|八八二四|二一四九 15988242149
BK1120 |
Bus Terminal | EtherCAT “Economy plus“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) |
BK1150 | Bus Terminal | EtherCAT “Compact“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) |
BK1250 | Bus Terminal | EtherCAT “Compact“ Coupler between EtherCAT Terminals (E-bus) and Bus Terminals (K-bus), adapter terminal |
BK2000 | Bus Terminal | Lightbus Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals |
BK2010 | Bus Terminal | Lightbus Bus Coupler for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals |
BK2020 | Bus Terminal | Lightbus “Economy plus“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) |
BK3010 | Bus Terminal | PROFIBUS Bus Coupler for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals, 1.5 Mbaud |
BK3100 | Bus Terminal | PROFIBUS DP/FMS Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals, 12 Mbaud |
BK3110 | Bus Terminal | PROFIBUS Bus Coupler for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals, 12 Mbaud |
BK3120 | Bus Terminal | PROFIBUS “Economy plus“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension), 12 Mbaud |
BK3150 | Bus Terminal | PROFIBUS “Compact“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension), 12 Mbaud |
BK3520 | Bus Terminal |
PROFIBUS “Economy plus“ Bus Coupler with fibre optic connection for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension), 12 Mbaud |
LC3100 | Bus Terminal | PROFIBUS “Low Cost“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals, 12 Mbaud |
BK4000 | Bus Terminal | Interbus Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals |
BK4020 | Bus Terminal | Interbus “Economy plus“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) |
BK5110 | Bus Terminal | CANopen Bus Coupler for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals |
BK5120 | Bus Terminal | CANopen “Economy plus“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) |
BK5150 | Bus Terminal | CANopen “Compact“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) |
BK5151 | Bus Terminal |
CANopen “Compact“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension), Bus connection: D-sub plug, 9-pin instead of open style connector |
LC5100 | Bus Terminal | CANopen “Low Cost“ Bus Coupler version for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) |
BK5200 | Bus Terminal | DeviceNet Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals |
BK5210 | Bus Terminal | DeviceNet Bus Coupler for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals |
BK5220 | Bus Terminal | DeviceNet “Economy plus“ Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) |
联系 15988242149
除了 BACnet/IP,倍福的 EtherCAT 端子模块 EL6861 现在还支持 BACnet MS/TP(主从站/轮询传递)。该串口模块可用于直接控制和监测兼容 BACnet 的现场设备(作为子系统),如泵、驱动、变频器或类似设备,无需使用额外的网关或路由器。最多可以连接 64 台带 BACNet MS/TP的设备。此外,多个端子模块可以同时运行,可以根据 S/TP 的设备数量来调整。
使用单通道 BACnet MS/TP 接口可以显著降低硬件和工程成本,因为配置全部在 TwinCAT System Manager 中集中进行,无需连接诸如路由器或网关等外部设备。端子模块支持 BACNet Rev 12标准,可以集成在 TwinCAT 自动化软件内的 BACnet MS/TP 驱动程序直接使用。端子模块也无需路由到 BACnet/IP 网络,在现场层可以直接通讯。
The BK2000 Bus Coupler connects the Lightbus system to the electronic terminal blocks, which can be expanded in modular fashion. One unit consists of one Bus Coupler, any number of up to 64 terminals and one end terminal.
The Bus Coupler recognises the connected terminals and automatically generates the affiliations of the inputs/outputs to the bytes of the process image. The first input/output signal is inserted in the first bit of one byte (LSB), beginning from the left. The Bus Coupler inserts further signals in this byte. Inputs and outputs are clearly separated. The Bus Coupler automatically begins a further byte if the number of inputs or outputs exceeds 8 bits.
The Lightbus System is a rapid and safe serial fieldbus system. The Lightbus has a ring structure; up to 254 stations can be operated in a ring. Easy-to-operate standard fibre optic technology is used for data transmission, which represents excellent value. Thanks to an optimised, efficient telegram structure, the Lightbus achieves a very high user data transmission rate. For the exchange of 32 bit information 25 μs transmission time is required.
Thanks to the high-speed access method employed by the Lightbus, it is possible to access specific peripheral data and to read or write the required data only. Data is exchanged with the required priorities without producing any overhead.
System data | Lightbus | BK2000 |
Number of I/O stations | 254 |
Number of I/O points | 16,192 |
Data transfer medium | fibre optic conductor: APF (plastic) fibre (1,000 μm) or HCS fibre (200 μm) |
Distance between stations | 45 m for APF fibre, 300 m HCS fibre |
Data transfer rates | 2.5 Mbaud |
Data transfer time | 0.26 ms in the case of 10 modules for 32 bit inputs and outputs each (without K-bus run-time) |
Technical data | BK2000 |
Number of Bus Terminals | 64 |
Max. number of bytes fieldbus | 512 byte input and 512 byte output |
Digital peripheral signals | 512 inputs/outputs |
Analog peripheral signals | 128 inputs/outputs |
Configuration possibility | via KS2000 or the controller |
Bus interface | 2 x standard fibre optic connector Z1000 (plastic fibre), Z1010 (HCS fibre) |
Power supply | 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) |
Input current | 70 mA + (total K-bus current)/4, 500 mA max. |
Starting current | approx. 2.5 x continuous current |
Recommended fuse | ≤ 10 A |
Current supply K-bus | 1750 mA |
Power contacts | 24 V DC max./10 A max. |
Electrical isolation | 500 V (power contact/supply voltage) |
Distance between stations | 45 m for APF fibre, 300 m HCS fibre |
Weight | approx. 150 g |
Operating/storage temperature | 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C |
Relative humidity | 95 %, no condensation |
Vibration/shock resistance | conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27 |
EMC immunity/emission | conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4 |
Protect. class/installation pos. | IP 20/variable |
Approvals | CE, UL, Ex |