手动液压车是工厂 仓库 车间最为常用的搬运工具,因为其造型简单,功能强大而美名曰“地牛”。但是这个简单的设备也经常会出现这样或者那样的毛病,比如上升缓慢,下降缓慢。或者干脆升不起来。
Manual hydraulic car is the most commonly used tools for handling the factory warehouse workshop, because of its simple shape, powerful and beautiful name "cattle". But this simple device often suffers from one or the other, such as rising slowly and slowing down slowly. Or I can't raise it.
Hydraulic support leg automatic expansion function, escort for your driving. Just switch the three switch to the automatic gear (AUTO), and when the handle is lifting the fork to about 3 meters,