Category类 别 |
Trade-mark牌 号 |
Chemicalcomposition化学成份(%) |
Hardness硬 度 |
Application用 途
Oxy- Acetylene Flame spray- using 氧
焊 |
F103 |
Cr10 B1.5 Si3 Ni Rem. |
HRc 25 |
Spray-fusing of cast iron parts, such as die for glass, cylinder, and guide. 铸铁件的喷焊,如玻璃模具,汽缸、导轨 |
F101 |
Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Ni Rem. |
HRc 45 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion, such as valve, the rotator and piston of pump. 耐磨、耐蚀件的喷焊,如阀门、泵转子、泵柱塞 |
F101Fe |
Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Fe10 Ni Rem. |
HRc 45 |
Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and stigma. 耐磨件的喷焊,如轴类、汽门 |
F102 |
Cr16 B4 Si4 Ni Rem. |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear, corrosion and high temperature oxidation, such as die and piston. 耐磨、耐蚀、抗高温氧化工件的喷焊,如模具、柱塞 |
F102Fe |
Cr16 B4 Si4 Fe15 Ni Rem. |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and cold die. 耐磨件的喷焊,如轴类、冷模具 |
F105 |
F102+50%WC |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear , such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. 抗磨粒磨损场合的喷焊,如导板、刮板、风机叶片 |
F105Fe |
F102Fe+35%WC |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear, such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. 抗磨粒磨损场合的喷焊,如导板、刮板、风机叶片 |
F108 |
F102+80%WC |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to strong grain-wear and free machining, such as harrow teeth of dredger. 抗强烈磨粒磨损,无需加工场合的喷焊,如挖泥船耙齿 |
F301 |
Cr5 B4 Si4 Ni30 Fe Rem. |
HRc 45 |
Spray-fusing of vulnerable parts of agricultural machinery and mining machinery, such as gear and axletree. 农机,矿山机械易损件的喷焊,如齿轮,车轴 |
Track iron powder 轨铁粉 |
Cr5 B1.5 Si3 Ni30 Fe Rem. |
HRc 28 |
Repair spray-fusing of defects such as scratch and concavity of railroad track. 铁路钢轨擦伤、低塌等缺陷的修复喷焊 |
Oxy-acetylene flame spraying
氧 乙 炔 焰 喷 涂 |
F111 |
Cr5 B1.5 Si3 Ni30 Fe Rem. |
HB 150 |
Spraying of bearing and cutting parts etc. 轴承、切削件等的喷涂 |
F113 |
Cr10 B1.5 Si3 Ni Rem. |
HB 250 |
Spray-fusing or spraying, such as roll, piston and axle of wear and corrosion resistance. 喷涂亦可喷焊,如滚筒、柱塞、耐蚀耐磨轴等 |
F313 |
Cr15 B1.5 Fe Rem. |
HB 250 |
Spraying of dryer of papermaking and axle. 造纸烘缸、轴类的喷涂 |
F314 |
Cr18 Ni9 B1.5 Fe Rem. |
HB 250 |
Spraying of axle. 轴类喷涂 |
F412 |
Sn10 P0.3 Cu Rem. |
HB 80 |
Spraying of axle and bearing. 轴、轴承的喷涂 |
F512 |
复合Al5Ni95 |
Backing spray of transition layer between base and working layer. 喷涂层的基体与工作层之间过渡(打底)层用喷涂 |
PTA hardfacing 等 离 子 弧 喷 焊 |
F221 |
Cr26 W5 B0.7 Co Rem. |
HRc 43 |
PTA hardfacing of sealing surface of high temperature and high pressure valve and the edge of hot shearing tool. 高温高压阀门密封面、热剪切刃口的等离子喷焊 |
F223 |
Cr21 W5 B1.5 Co Rem. |
HRc 40 |
PTA hardfacing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion at high temperature, such as valve under high temperature and high pressure, and blower. 高温下耐磨耐蚀件的喷焊,如高温高压阀门、鼓风机 |
F321 |
Cr13 B1.5 Si1 Fe Rem. |
HRc 45 |
PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as stop-plate etc. 中温中压阀门的闸板及其他耐磨件的等离子喷焊 |
F322 |
Cr23 Ni13 Si5 B1 Fe Rem. |
HRc 40 |
PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as valve base etc. 中温中压阀门的阀座及其他耐磨件的等离子喷焊 |
F422 |
Sn10 P0.3 Cu Rem. |
HB 80 |
PTA hardfacing of axle and bearing etc. 轴、轴承等离子喷焊 |