UTP 387 copper alloys
Classifications basic coated copper-nickel stick electrode 70/30
DIN 1733 AWS A5.6 Material-No.
EL-CuNi30Mn E CuNi 2.0837
Characteristics and field of use
The copper-nickel base stick electrode UTP 387 is used for joining and surfacing alloys
of similar com-positions with up to 30 % nickel, as well as non-ferrous alloys and steels
of different nature. The seawater-resistant weld metal enables this special stick electrode
to be employed in ship-building, oil refineries, the food industry and in the engineering of
corrosion-proof vessels and equipment generally.
UTP 387 can be welded in all positions, except vertical-down, seawater resistant.
Typical analysis in %
C Si Mn Ni Cu Fe
0,03 0,3 1,2 30,0 balance 0,6
Mechanical properties of the weld metal
Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm Elongation A Impact strength KV
MPa MPa % J
> 240 > 390 > 30 > 80
Welding instruction
Groove out a V seam with min. 70 °C and provide a root gap of 2 mm. Remove the oxide
skin about 10 mm beside the joint, on the reverse side too. The weld zone must be bare and
properly de-greased. Fuse the arc strike point again by bringing the stick electrode back, in
order to obtain a good bond. Keep the arc short.
Welding positions
Current type DC (+)
TÜV (No. 01626), GL
Form of delivery and recommended welding parameters
Electrodes Ø mm x L 2,5 x300* 3,2 x 350 4,0 x 350*
Amperage 60 – 80 80 – 105 110 – 130