《福州鸿飞达自动化科技有限公司》独具工业自动化产品进出口权;主要经营欧美品牌机器人备件与伺服驱动器及DCS系统板卡!全球优价速销德国力士乐Indramat伺服电机,伺服驱动器等 :TDM、MAC、DDS、KDA、MDD 、DKS、2AD、等全系列系统备件。用于国内各大纸厂、电厂、钢厂、石化、印刷等大型企业DCS控制系统中。我司价格具有极大优势,国外厂商直接供货,货期稳定,质量保证,诚信经营!特供德国西门子全系停产备件,长年为广大用户提供全球工业自动化产品代购服务!当您看到这条信息就是您获得最佳价格的优先选择,2012全球震撼特价上映!!!
24小时力士乐专线:电话:0591-83855060 传真:0591-88263940
联系人: 郑工 QQ:1274197717 mail:1274197717@qq.com地址:福州市浦上大道汇创二期18#七层(金山万达广场对面)Indramat Permanent Magnet Servo Motor
Indramat MAC 112 D-O-HD-I-B/130-B-0/J625/S00
Servo Motor福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MAC 112D-0-ED-2-C/180-A-0/S011
Servo Motor
Indramat MAC112D-0-FD-2-C/180-A-011S03福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat AC Servomotor
Indramat TVD1.2-050-W1-115V福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat AC Servo Power Supply
Indramat MAC093B-2-GS-2-C/110-A-0/
Indramat Permanent Magnet Servo Motor
Indramat RAC2.1-200-415-A00-W1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat RAC2.1 200A Spindle Drive
Indramat HVR02 2-W025N福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Power Supply Unit
Indramat MOD1/1X028-008福州鸿飞达自动化
Programming Module
Indramat MHD115C-024-PG1-AA福州鸿飞达自动化
Fanuc A860-0316-T201福州鸿飞达自动化
P C 10K
Indramat MOD1/1X012-035福州鸿飞达自动化
Programming Module
Indramat MOD1/1X014-035福州鸿飞达自动化
Programming Module
Indramat MOD1/1X024-001福州鸿飞达自动化
Programming Module
Indramat MOD1/1X028-156福州鸿飞达自动化
Programming Module
Indramat MOD1/1X0416-205福州鸿飞达自动化
Operating Parameter Programming Module
Indramat MOD1/1X050-035福州鸿飞达自动化
Programming Panel
Indramat MOD1/1X050-036福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Programming Module
Indramat MOD1/1X050-28
Programming Module福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MOD1/1X059-036福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Programming Module
Indramat MOD1/1X059-125
Programming Module福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MOD1/1X077-059
Programming Module福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MOD1/1X084-001
Programming Module福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MOD1/1X084-150
Programming Module福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MHD115C-024-PG1-AA
R911286511 福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat FWC-PLC03-004-16VRS
Indramat PLC Firmware福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA3.3-150-3-A00-W1 福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA Spindle Drive
Indramat MAC112B-0-PD-2-C/130-B-1/S05福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Permanent Magnet Servo Motor
Indramat DDS02.1-W150-R福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat DDS02.1-W015-D福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat DDS02.1-W025-D福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat DDS02.1-W050-D福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat DDS02.1-W050-DA01-FW福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Digital AC Servo Controller
Indramat DDS02.1-W050-DL02-01-FW
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat DDS02.1-W100-D
Indramat Digital AC Servo Controller
Indramat DDS02.1-W150福州鸿飞达自动化
digital servo
Indramat DDS02.1-W150-D福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat DDS02.1-W150-DA01-01-FW
Indramat Digital AC Servo Controller
Indramat DDS02.1-W200-D福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Digital AC Servo Controller
Indramat DDS02.1-W200-DA01-01-FW
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat FWA-MTCNC-004-16VRS-NN福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat 9 Slot Rack
Indramat MAC90B-1-PD-1-D/110-A-O/J625
Bosch DKC03.3-100-7-FW福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Eco-Drive Digital Servo Drive
Indramat DKC03.3福州鸿飞达自动化
DKC servo drive
Bosch Rexroth DKC03.3-016-7FW福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Eco Drive
Indramat DKC03.3-040-7-FW
Indramat EcoDrive Digital Servo (Profibus Version)
Indramat DKC03.3-100-7-FM福州鸿飞达自动化
ndramat EcoDrive Digital Servo (Profibus Version)
Indramat MOD1/1X297-002福州鸿飞达自动化
Programming Panel
Indramat MAC090B-1-PD-1-B/100-A-0/-100625/S0
Indramat Permanent Magnet Motor
Indramat MAC090B-0-JD-1-B/130--B-0
Indramat MAC09 Servo Motor
Fanuc A06B-0123-B福州鸿飞达自动化
Model a3 / 3000
Indramat KDF2.2-150-300-W1-220福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Variable Frequency Drive
Indramat MDD065D-N-060-N2M-095PB1
Indramat AC Servo Motor
Indramat NFD02.1-480-016福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Power Line Filter
Indramat DKC02.3-040-7-FW福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat DKC Digital ECO Drive
Indramat KDV2.1-100-220/300-W1-220福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Spindle Drive Power Supply
Indramat RAC3.5-150-460-A00-W1-220福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Spindle Drive
Indramat RAC3.5-100-460-A-00-W1-220福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MKD093C-057-KG1-AF福州鸿飞达自动化
Servo Motor
Indramat MKD090B-035-GP0-KN福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat AC Servo Motor
Indramat MKD090B-047-GG0福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat AC Servomotor
Indramat MKD090B-047-KG0-KN福州鸿飞达自动化
AC Servo Motor
Indramat MKD090B-047-KPO-KN福州鸿飞达自动化
Servo Motor
Indramat MKD090B-047GG0-KN福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat AC Servo Motor
Rexroth MKD093C-058-KG1-AF福州鸿飞达自动化
Rexroth Permanent Magnet Motor
Indramat FWC-DSM2.1-SSE-02V09-MS
Indramat DDS2.1 Parameter Module
Indramat MAC093C-1-FS-4-C/110-A-3/W1524LV/S0
Indramat AC Servomotor
Indramat TVM2.2-050-200/300福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat TVM Power Supply
Indramat PLCB02-02-FW福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat PLC
Indramat HDS03.1-W100N-HS12-01-FW
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat HDS03.1-W100N-HA01-01-FW
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat HDS03.1-W100N-HS56-01-FW
Indramat Digital Servo Drive
Indramat RECO-G.06/01-FW福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat 8 Slot Panel
Indramat R911277914福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Feedback Cable
Indramat KDS1.1-150-300-W1-220福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDS Servo Drive
Indramat KDA3.2-150-3-A01-W1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA Spindle Drive
Indramat KDA3.2-150-3-A00-W0福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA Spindle Drive
Indramat KDA3.2-150-3-AOS-W1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA Servo Drive
Indramat KDA3.2-150-3-APO-W1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Servo Drive
Indramat KDA3.2-150-3APO-W1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Spindle Servo Drive
Indramat 112d-0-ed-4-c/130-a-2/s018福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat - motor
Indramat DSC1.7-050-115福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat DSC drive
Indramat KDA3.2-100-3-AP0-W1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA Spindle Drive
Indramat KDA 3.2-100-3-A00-W1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA3.2-100-3-A0S福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA Drive
Indramat KDA3.2-100-3-A0S-W1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA Spindle Drive
Indramat KDA3.2-100-3-AOS福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat KDA Drive
Rexroth Indramat DKR03.1-W200N-BE23-01-FW
200A Indramat DKR03.1 with Sercos
Indramat 93C-1-FS-4-C/110-A-2/W1524LV/S01
Indramat Permanent Magnet Servo Motor
Indramat TDM3.3-020-300-W0福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Servo Drive
Indramat 090B-0-PD-3-C福州鸿飞达自动化
Servo Motor
Indramat TRK6-4U-380/60-G0/527
Indramat Servo Drive
Indramat RECO-G.04/01福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat 8 Slot Panel
Indramat MAC090B-1-PD-4-C/110-A-0/WI524LV/S0
Indramat Motor
Indramat MOD1/1X1045-065福州鸿飞达自动化
Programming Module
Indramat OSI1-3/0福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat PCB
Indramat MHD 0718-035-NPO-UN
Indramat RAC2.2-150-380-A00-W1
Indramat RAC2.2 AC Spindle Drive
Indramat TDM7.1-015-300-W0/S102
Indramat TDM7.1 Digital Servo Drive
Indramat MAC115A0-HS-2-C/180-B-0/S001
Servo Motor
Indramat KDA2.1-150-3-A00-W1/220
Indramat KDA Spindle Drive
Indramat SM5/10-T/A福州鸿飞达自动化
Bosch 5A DC Servo Drive
Bosch SM5/10福州鸿飞达自动化
Servo Drive #050829
Bosch SM5/10-C福州鸿飞达自动化
Bosch drive
Bosch SM5/10-TA福州鸿飞达自动化
Axis Drive
Bosch SM5/10-TC福州鸿飞达自动化
Bosch DC 520V servo module.
Bosch SM5/10-TC1福州鸿飞达自动化
Bosch 5A AC Servo Drive
Indramat MAC092B-0-0D-1-B福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Permenant Magnet Motor
Indramat MAC 092B-0-QD-1-B/095-B-2/101000-S013
Indramat Motor 福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MAC092B-0-00-B/095-B0/101000
Indramat Motor 福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MAC092B-0-QD-1-B/095-B-0/-101000
Indramat Permanent Magnet Motor 福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat MAC092B-0-QD-1-B/095-B-0/-I01000
Indramat Permanent Magnet Motor
Indramat MAC092B-0-QD-4-C/095-B-0/WI518LV
Indramat MAC092 Motor
Indramat MAC092B-0-QD-4-C/095-B-2/W1518LV
Indramat Permanent Magnet Motor
Indramat MAC09b-0-pd-4c/110-9-0/d152olx/5001
MAC Servo Motor
Indramat MAC090A-0-RD-4-C/110-B-0/WI524LX
Servo Motor
Indramat CFS01/28-N/RS-SW福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Controller
Indramat TDM3.2-20-300-WO福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat TDM3.2 Servo Drive
Indramat TDM3.2-020-300-W0福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat TDM3.2 Servo Drive
Indramat TDM3.2-030-300-W1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat TDM Servo Drive
Indramat TDM3.2-20-300-W0福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat TDM3.2 Servo Drive
Indramat MKD025B-144-KG1-KN福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Servo Mortor
Rexroth MKD025B-144-GP0-KN
Servo Motor
Indramat MKD025B-144-GPO-KS福州鸿飞达自动化
Servo Motor
Indramat MKD025B-144-KP0-KN
Indramat AC Servomotor
Indramat MKD025B-144-KP1福州鸿飞达自动化
ac servomotor
Indramat MKD025B-144-KP1-KN
servo motor
Indramat DDS3.1-W050-D福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Digital AC Servo Controller
Indramat MAC112B-0-GD-3-C/130-A-0/S05
Indramat Permanent Magnet Servo Motor
Indramat MAC112-B-0-LD-2C/130-A-1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Servo Motor
Indramat MAC112B-0-PD-3-C/130-B-2/SO13福州鸿飞达自动化
Servo Motor
Indramat MDD090B-N-030-N2M-110GB0
Indramat Permanent Magnet Servo Motor
Indramat MAC063D-0-FS-4-C/095-B-0/W1539IX福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat 2.7Nm 8.4Amp Motor
Indramat MAC063B-0-JS-2-C/99-B-0/W15241X
Servo Motor
Indramat MAC063B-OJ-4C/055福州鸿飞达自动化
Servo Motor
Indramat MAC063C-0-HS-4-C/095-B-0/WI517LV
/S001 - Servo Motor
Indramat MAC063D-0-JS-3-C/095-A-1/S001
Servo Motor
Indramat MAC063D-JS-2-C/095-A-1福州鸿飞达自动化
Servo Motor
Indramat DEA4.1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat TDM1.3-050-300-W1-0福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat 1.3 Servo Drive
Indramat DKC03.3福州鸿飞达自动化
DKC servo drive
Indramat DKC03.1-040-7-FW福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat EcoDrive Digital Servo Drive
Bosch Rexroth DKC03.3-016-7FW福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Eco Drive
Indramat MDD112C-N-030-N2L-130PA0福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat Permanent Magnet Motor
Indramat MDD112A-N-030-N2L-130PB1福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat AC Servomotor
Indramat MDD112B-N-020-N2L-130PB1福州鸿飞达自动化
Permanent Magnet Motor
Indramat MDD112C-N-020-N2L-130PB2福州鸿飞达自动化
Indramat AC Servomotor
51301877-100 LE Mux Board (RTD)
51301880-100 LE Terminal Board (TC) 《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
51301880-101 LE Terminal Board (WPC)
51301882-100 LE Teminal Board (RTD)
51302390-100 I/O Bus Integrity Card
51302607-100 LE Mux Board (RTD) 《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
51302608-100 LE Thermocouple Relay
51303888-100 PC Interface Board
51303903-100 C-TCB60 P-TCB60 Terminal Panel
51304186-100 DC/DC Converter
51304207-100 PAE Logic (Round Robin) 《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
51304283-100 HTD Logic (Round Robin)
51304528-100 EC RAM Memory
51304797-100 Display Generator Op Stn
51305390-100 UCPU UCPU for CB w/o DEP Int. 《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
51305390-200 UCPU UCPU CB w/DEP Int. option
51305390-300 UCPU EC UCPU for EC w/o DIDEP
51305390-400 UCPU Universal EC w/DIDEP
51305406-100 UCIO Universal I/O UCIO
51305408-100 UDHI Universal Hiway I/F UDHI《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
51305701-100 UDHI2 Universal Hiway I/F UDHI2
62795601-001 C-ASL00 Signal Limiter
62795604-001 C-AA100 Auxiliary Alarm 4 single
62795604-002 C-AA200 Auxiliary Alarm 3 Dual《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
62795607-003 C-AZL01 Integrator (Linear)
62795607-004 C-AZS01 Aux Integrator (Sq Rt)
62795610-001 C-APM00 Adder/Subtractor
62795613-001 C-ASC00 Signal Sel./Scale & Bias《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
80360139-001 J-DIM00 AMC J-DIM00 Dig Input
80360140-001 J-DOM10 AMC J-DOM10 32 Pt Dig Out
80360140-011 J-DOM00 AMC J-DOM00 16 Pt Dig Out
80360141-011 J-HAM10 AMC J-HAM10 HL Analog In《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
80360142-001 J-HMM00 AMC HMM00 HL Mux Module
80360143-011 J-AOM10 AMC J-AOM10 Analog Output
80360144-001 J-HCX00 AMC HCX00 Hiway Cable I/F
80360145-011 J-MSC10 AMC J-MSC10 Cntrl Module《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
80360146-011 J-MHM10 AMC MHM10 Hiway Interface
80360147-001 J-UDM00 AMC UAC Director Module
80360155-001 J-FTB00 AMC Front Terminal Block
80360185-001 J-PIM00 AMC J-PIM00 Pulse Input《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
80360195-001 J-DOM20 AMC J-DOM20 Dig Output
80360199-001 J-STM00 AMC STM00 ST/DC Module
80360300-001 512KW Memory Yamatake Bd
80360473-001 J-MSC00 AMC J-MSC00 Controller《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
80360481-001 J-MHM00 MHM00 AMC Hiway Interface
80360619-001 J-HIC00 AMC to J-HIC00 Cable
80360677-001 J-RTP10 AMC Analog Input RTP
80360680-001 J-RTP30 A/O Remt Trmnl Pnl Stndby
80360686-001 J-RTP40 Dual Dig Out Term Panel《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
80360689-001 J-RTP50 Pulse Input Remote TP
80360693-001 J-RTP20 Analog Output RTP
80360695-001 J-RTP00 Digital I/O TP J-RTP00
80360697-001 J-HIC20 J-HIC20 UAC 9m Cable《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
80360713-001 J-AAU00 A/I Adapter Unit J-AAU00
80360874-001 J-DIM10 J-DIM10 Dig Input, AMC
80361024-001 J-RTP80 AMC Digital Output RTP80
80361027-001 J-ETP00 Enhanced Digital Out RTP
82114805-001 Dot Trend for 520 Op Stn《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
82114814-001 P3 Op. Sta. Printer IF
82114927-001 CRT A for rel 520 Op Stn
82114927-002 Yamatake CRT-A1 MOS Board
82114930-001 CRT B for rel 520 Op St《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
82114930-002 Yamatake MOS CRT-B1 board
82117038-001 30752117-002 Yamatake 1MW Memory Bd
82407372-001 C-TCB50 C-TCB50 Terminal Panel
82407381-001 MFC Control Card Assy
82407387-001 IBC MC IBC Board - JCBC00《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
82407390-001 IBI IBI TDC 3000 Board
82407438-001 J-TPF10 Mini I/O Terminal Panel
82407441-001 J-TPF30 ETP12 Relay Terminal Panl
82407444-001 ETP13 ETP13 Relay Term. Panel《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
82407465-001 Reg A MC Regulator Board A
82407468-001 Reg B1 MC Regulator B1 PF100
82407468-001 Reg B1 MC Regulator B1 PF100
82407468-002 Reg B2 MC Regulator B2 PF200
82407468-002 Reg B2 MC Regulator B2 PF200《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
82408060-001 MC Battery (old style)
82408213-001 IBI A/D Yamatake "Daughter" Bd
82408215-001 IBI Yamatake Bd- IBI with A/D
82408217-001 MC CPU Card
82408217-002 MOS CPU II w/emulator《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
82408330-001 MC Hiway 2
82408363-001 J-TPF20 ETP11 Dig Input Panel
82408440-001 MC UAC I/F Yamatake Card
82408443-001 MC 8K RAM Memory《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
82408443-002 MC 16K RAM Memory
82408443-003 MC 24K RAM Memory
82408443-004 MC PROM Card
82408458-002 BM-A Yamatake TDC Board
82408461-001 BM-B Card for MF Cntrlr. 《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
82408485-001 SBLAIII SBLA III
82408667-001 MC ROM/RAM Memory 535
82408667-004 PROM Card (CB530)
82408667-005 24K RAM MOS Memory CB530《鸿飞达低价诚信经销》
CSBU11 Battery Backup Unit
JMBU00 J-MBU00 AMC R10 Base Unit Non-Red
JMBU10 J-MBU10 AMC R20 Base Unit, UAC