  • 规格:APP-ESR-PCU
  • 发货地:上海
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1块
  • 免费会员










      直线电话::021-61557336/021-31261686-606     传真:021-31261686-605/619  
      QQ: 712736096                      手机:15000559958
      更多品牌请查询 网址     



      特价处理,供货期快,价格超低!美国WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 总线接口卡控制




      ,包括Ethernet、Device Net、Profibus、ControlNet、CANopen、InterBus、WorldFIP、DH、AS-Interface

      、Modbus、Modican Remote I/O、AB Remote I/O、及各种远程I/O、各种串口和网关,适用于十多种操作系

      统,如各种Windows、Linux、DOS、VxWorks、VenturCom RTX、QNX、OS Toolkit、KuKaCE-Win、PharLap ETS

      WOODHEAD通讯产品分applicom、SST、Direct-Link及Brad Harrison、RJ-LnXX等10多个系列。
      Woodhead的工业第一个以太网/IP? PCI总线网络接口卡(NIC),正式推向市场。
      美国WOODHEAD所设计的以太网/IP? NIC,通过结合在几个实时操作系统,如VenturCom? RTX,QNX?,


      WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 总线接口卡控制器

      软件方案的数据。DRL-PCU-ETHIO的推出,可与Wonderware?软可编程逻辑控制器InControl?,ICS Triplex

      ISaGRAF?,GE Fanuc的Paradym-31,以及Axeda?s Wiz可编程逻辑控制器相连接。
      列举型号:通讯模板:5136-PFB-PCI;PB3-PCI VI3.0;电器件:884030K03M010;88403K03M120;通讯卡:


      产品种类齐全,品质优良,如您有意购买,欢迎来电咨询!美国WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 WOODHEAD总线接

      口卡控制器 总线接口卡控制器 SST-PFB-CLX-DTM Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with

      SST-PFB-CLX-DTS FDT/DTM enabling software for SST-PFB-CLX-RLL  
      SST-PFB-CLX-RLL Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with Remote Link Library 
      SST-PFB-CLX-DTM Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with commDTM
      SST-PFB-CLX-DTS FDT/DTM enabling software for SST-PFB-CLX-RLL  
      SST-PFB-CLX-RLL Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with Remote Link Library
      SST-PFB-PLC5 Profibus Side-Card module for A-B PLC-5
      SST-PFB-SLC Profibus Module for A-B SLC
      SST-PFB-SLC-ADP Profibus Adapter Module for A-B SLC
      SST-PFB-GE Profibus module for GE 90-70
      SST-IBS-CLX-RLL Interbus G4 Master Module for A-B CLX with Remote Link Library
      SST-IBS-SLC Interbus G4 Master module for A-B SLC
      SST-ASI-CLX 2 Channel Asi Master module for A-B ControlLogix, v 2.1
      SST-ASI-CMX 2 Channel Asi Master module for A-B CompactLogix, v 2.1
      SST-ASI-SLC Two channel ASi Master module for A-B SLC, supprts v 3.0
      5136-CN-104 PC/104 ControlNet Card
      5136-CN-PCI PCI format for ControlNet
      5136-CN-VME VME format for ControlNet
      5136-CN-ISA ISA format for ControlNet
      SST-DN3-104-1 PC/104 DeviceNet Interface card, single channel
      SST-DN3-104-2 PC/104 DeviceNet Interface card, two channel
      SST-DN3-PCU-1 PCI DeviceNet Interface card, single channel, universal voltage
      SST-DN3-PCU-2 PCI DeviceNet Interface card, two channel, universal voltage
      5136-DNP-CPCI 3U CPCI 1 Channel Card
      5136-DNP-ISA ISA Pro DeviceNet Card
      5136-DNP-PCM-SM PCMCIA for DeviceNet w/ Sealed Micro Connector Dongle & Cable
      5136-DNP-PCM-ST PCMCIA for DeviceNet w/ Screw Terminal Connector Dongle & Cable
      SST-DN3-VME-1 VME DeviceNet Interface card, single channel
      SST-DN3-VME-2 VME DeviceNet Interface card, two channel
      SST-DN3-VME-4 VME DeviceNet Interface card, four channel
      SST-DN3-CNF-X Configuration Console for DN3 (key option X = U for USB or P for Parallel) refer

      to note1
      SST-DN3-OPC Data server for DN3 cards
      SST-PFB-USB-DTM USB Adapter for Profibus CommDTM (FDT/DTM compatible, No SST console required)
      SST-PB3-PCU PCI Profibus Card, universal voltage
      SST-PB3-PCU-B25 PCI Profibus Card, universal voltage, carton of 25 (cd on request)
      SST-PB3-OPC Data server for PB3 cards
      SST-PB3-CNF-X Configuration Console for PB3 (key option X = U for USB or P for Parallel)
      SST-PB3-VME-1 6U VME Profibus DP Interface, Master/Slave 1 channel
      SST-PB3-VME-2 6U VME Profibus DP Interface, Master/Slave 2 channel
      SST-PB3-ISA ISA Profibus DP Card, Master/Slave
      SST-PB3-104 PC/104 Profibus DP Card, Master/Slave
      SST-PB3-104-B25 PC/104 Profibus DP interface card, Bulk carton of 25 (cd on request)
      SST-PBMS-PCI PCI Profibus DP multislave interface card
      5136-PFB-PCM PC Card (PCMCIA) Profibus Card
      SST-DPS-104 PC/104 Profibus DP Card, Slave only
      5136-SD-104 PC/104 DH+/RIO PC/104 card
      SST-DHP-PCI PCI DH+/RIO Card, universal voltage
      5136-SD-ISA ISA DH+/RIO Card
      5136-SD-VME VME DH+/RIO card
      DC100KIT ENI Dvt Kit : Devt PCI Mother board+CD-Rom(buy DC100xxx-DVT separately)
      DC100DPM-H-B10 ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, HE13. 2*5pins conn., Bulk of 10
      DC100DPM-H-DVT ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, HE13. 2*5pins conn., Devt. Purpose
      DC100DPM-S-B10 ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, Sub-D9 female conn., Bulk of 10
      DC100DPM-S-DVT ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, Sub-D9 female conn., Devt. Purpose
      DC100MPI-S-B10 ENI DC100PFB Profibus MPI Client, Sub-D9 female conn., Bulk of 10
      DC100MPI-S-DVT ENI DC100PFB Profibus MPI Client, Sub-D9 female conn., Devt. Purpose
      SST-CCS-USB-KIT DC100CCS Devt Kit (USB Adaptor+DC100CCS+CD-rom)
      DC100CCS-C-B10 DC100CCS Module, CC Link Slave, 5 pin connector, bulk of 10
      DC100CCS-H-B10 DC100CCS Module, CC Link Slave, HE13 connector, bulk of 10
      SST-CCS-PCU Universal voltage PCI, CC-Link slave adapter interface card 
      420-0007 replacement PCMCIA cable to connect to PCM dongles 

      SST-PFB-CLX-DTM Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with commDTM
      SST-PFB-CLX-DTS FDT/DTM enabling software for SST-PFB-CLX-RLL  
      SST-PFB-CLX-RLL Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with Remote Link Library
      SST-PFB-PLC5 Profibus Side-Card module for A-B PLC-5
      SST-PFB-SLC Profibus Module for A-B SLC
      SST-PFB-SLC-ADP Profibus Adapter Module for A-B SLC
      SST-PFB-GE Profibus module for GE 90-70 
      APP-ETH-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Ethernet TCP/IP 10-100 card Universal PCI
      APP-EPB-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Pfb 1.5 MB card Univ. PCI
      APP-ESR-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Serial RS485/422 card Univ. PCI
      APP-ETH-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
      APP-EPB-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Pfb with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
      APP-ESR-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Serial RS485/422 with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
      APP-DRV-AB applicom driver upgrade for AB Ethernet PCCC on APP-Exx-PCU
      APP-WEB-SER-M applicom WEB Gateway to Modbus/Unitelway Serial with Modem
      APP-WEB-PFB-M applicom WEB Gateway to Modbus/Unitelway and Profibus with Modem
      APP-WEB-PFB-MTH applicom WebGate Profibus with Modem, with ThinHMI 
      APP-WEB-SER-MTH applicom WebGate Serial Modbus/Uni-Telway with Modem with ThinHMI \
      APP-WEB-TH BuildTime ThinHMI for applicom WebGate serial + Profibus (1 licence, 1 
      APP-ESP-GTW Serial to Ethernet to Profibus Gateway based on applicom concept
      APP-ESR-GTW Serial to Ethernet Gateway based on appllicom concept
      APP-UPG--TH ThinHMI upgrade for applicom WebGate serial + Profibus (req. Serial number)
      APP-PNT-GTW-P applicom PROFINET IO PROXY for Ethernet, Serial and PROFIBUS

      APP-WEB-SER-M applicom WEB Gateway to Modbus/Unitelway Serial with Modem
      APP-WEB-PFB-M applicom WEB Gateway to Modbus/Unitelway and Profibus with Modem
      APP-WEB-PFB-MTH applicom WebGate Profibus with Modem, with ThinHMI 
      APP-WEB-SER-MTH applicom WebGate Serial Modbus/Uni-Telway with Modem with ThinHMI \
      APP-WEB-TH BuildTime ThinHMI for applicom WebGate serial + Profibus (1 licence, 1 
      APP-ESP-GTW Serial to Ethernet to Profibus Gateway based on applicom concept
      APP-ESR-GTW Serial to Ethernet Gateway based on appllicom concept
      APP-UPG--TH ThinHMI upgrade for applicom WebGate serial + Profibus (req. Serial number)
      APP-PNT-GTW-P applicom PROFINET IO PROXY for Ethernet, Serial and PROFIBUS 
      APP-PS7-PCI applicom PCI1500S7 Profibus S7/MPI 1.5Mb card PCI 5V
      APP-PS7-PCU applicom PCU1500S7 Profibus S7/MPI 1.5Mb card Universal PCI
      APP-PFB-PCI applicom PCI1500PFB Full Profibus 1.5Mb card PCI 5V
      APP-PFB-PCU applicom PCU1500PFB Full Profibus 1.5Mb card Univeral PCI
      APP-PFB-CPI applicom CPCI1000PFB Full Profibus 12Mb card Compact PCI
      APP-PF2-PCI applicom PCI2000PFB combo Full Pfb 12Mb + Pfb MPI 187.5 kb card PCI 5V
      APP-ETH-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Ethernet TCP/IP 10-100 card Universal PCI
      APP-EPB-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Pfb 1.5 MB card Univ. PCI
      APP-ESR-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Serial RS485/422 card Univ. PCI
      APP-ETH-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
      APP-EPB-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Pfb with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
      APP-ESR-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Serial RS485/422 with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
      SST-PFB-CLX-DTM Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with commDTM
      SST-PFB-CLX-DTS FDT/DTM enabling software for SST-PFB-CLX-RLL  
      SST-PFB-CLX-RLL Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with Remote Link Library
      SST-PFB-PLC5 Profibus Side-Card module for A-B PLC-5
      SST-PFB-SLC Profibus Module for A-B SLC
      SST-PFB-SLC-ADP Profibus Adapter Module for A-B SLC
      SST-PFB-GE Profibus module for GE 90-70
      SST-IBS-CLX-RLL Interbus G4 Master Module for A-B CLX with Remote Link Library
      SST-IBS-SLC Interbus G4 Master module for A-B SLC

      直线电话::021-61557336/021-31261686-606     传真:021-31261686-605/619  
      QQ: 712736096                      手机:15000559958

  • 0571-87774297