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联系人 冯先生
邮箱 fengxianbo@jiancezaixian.com
QQ 1723397395
检测在线联合国内外1500家实验室和研究机构,为客户提供产品检测认证服务,服务涉及所有产品行业:金属、高分子、食品、玩具、纺织、建材、矿产、家用电器、工业机械、交通工具…… 真正的一站式服务,帮您推荐检测项目,提供多个检测方案,介绍检测标准,满足您的各方面检测需求!
Material 材质 |
TestItem 测试项目 |
175.300 |
water extractives 去离子水萃取法 |
8% alcohol extractives 8%酒精萃取法 |
n-heptane extractives 正庚烷萃取法 |
176.170 |
Net chloroform soluble extractives for water fraction |
Net chloroform soluble extractives for 8 % alcohol fraction |
Net chloroform soluble extractives for 50 % alcohol fraction 氯仿可溶萃取物(50%酒精浸取法) |
Net chloroform soluble extractives for n-heptane fraction |
177.1010 for Acrylic |
总提取物(in water,8%,50%alcohol fraction,heptane) |
KMnO4 oxidizable extractive(in water,8%,50%alcohol fraction)高锰酸钾可氧化萃取 |
Ultraviolet-absorbing(in water,8%,50%alcohol fraction)紫外吸收(水,8%乙醇,50%乙醇中) |
Ultraviolet-absorbing(in heptane fraction)紫外吸收(正庚烷中) |
177.1210 |
Net chloroform soluble extractives for water fraction 氯仿可溶萃取物(去离子水浸取法) |
Net chloroform soluble extractives for 8 % alcohol fraction 氯仿可溶萃取物(8%酒精浸取法) |
Net chloroform soluble extractives for n-heptane fraction 氯仿可溶萃取物(正庚烷浸取法) |
177.1340 forEMA |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in water |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 8 % ethanol |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 50 % ethanol |
Net chloroform soluble fraction of n-heptane |
177.1350 for EVA |
Net CHCI3 soluble fraction in different extractive (in different food simulants) 氯仿萃取(在不同模拟液中) |
Vinylidene fluoride & hexafluropropene |
Xanthan gum (coating) 黄原胶(涂层) |
177.1460 for Melamine resins |
Net CHCI3 soluble fraction in different extractive (in different food simulants) 氯仿萃取(在不同模拟液中) |
177.1500 for Nylon |
Specific gravity 密度 |
Melting point 熔点 |
Solubility / boiling 4.2 N HCI 盐酸中的溶解度 |
Water extractives 去离子水萃取法 |
95% ethanol extractives 95%酒精萃取法 |
Ethyl acetate extractives 乙酸乙脂萃取法 |
Benzene extractives 苯萃取法 |
177.1520 for Olefin polymer |
Density密度 |
Melting point 熔点(仅对PP) |
n-hexane extractives 正己烷萃取 |
Xylene extractives 二甲苯萃取 |
177.1580 for Polycarbonate |
Water extractives at refluxing temperature 水回流萃取6小时 |
50% ethanol extractives at refluxing temperature |
n-heptane extractives at refluxing temperature |
177.1630 forPET |
Net chloroform soluble fraction of distilled water |
Net chloroform soluble fraction of 8% ethanol |
Net chloroform soluble fraction of 50% ethanol |
Net chloroform soluble fraction of 95% ethanol |
Net chloroform soluble fraction of n-heptane |
177.1640 for PS |
Residual styrene monomer 苯乙烯单体残留 |
177.1655 for Polysulfone resin 聚枫树脂要求 |
Water extractives 去离子水浸取法 |
3 % acetic acid extractives 3%醋酸浸取法 |
50 % alcohol extractives 50%酒精浸取法 |
n-heptane extractive 正庚烷浸取法 |
177.1810 forStyrene block polymer |
Water extractives 去离子水浸取法 |
50% ethanol extractives 50%酒精回流萃取 |
solubility 溶解度 |
molecular weight 分子量 |
glass transition point 玻璃化转变温度 |
177.1830 for MMA,MBS MMA、MBS要求 |
Non-volatile residue |
KmnO4 oxidized water extractives |
KmnO4 oxidized 8% ethanol extractives |
UV absorbing water extractives |
UV absorbing 8% ethanol extractives |
UV absorbing n-heptane extractives |
177.1900 forUF |
water extractives 去离子水萃取法 |
8% alcohol extractives 8%酒精萃取法 |
n-heptane extractives 正庚烷萃取法 |
175.300& 177.1975 for PVC PVC要求 |
water extractives 去离子水浸取法 |
n-heptane extractives 正庚烷浸取法 |
8% alcohol extractives 8%酒精浸取法 |
Residual vinyl chloride monomer VCM单体残留 |
177.2420 |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in water |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 8 % ethanol |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 50 % ethanol |
n-heptane extractives 正庚烷浸取法 |
molecular weight分子量 |
177.2450 for Polyamide-imide resin |
Water extractives 去离子水浸取法 |
3 % acetic acid extractives 3%醋酸浸取法 |
50 % ethanol extractives 50%酒精浸取法 |
n-heptane extractives 正庚烷浸取法 |
177.2470 |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in water |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 8 % ethanol |
Net chloroform soluble fraction of n-heptane |
Water extractives at refluxing temperature for 6 hours |
n-heptane extractives at refluxing temperature for 6 hours |
molecular weight分子量 |
177.2480 |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in water |
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 8 % ethanol |
Net chloroform soluble fraction of n-heptane |
Water extractives at refluxing temperature for 6 hours |
n-heptane extractives at refluxing temperature for 6 hours |
Density密度 |
Melting point 熔点 |
molecular weight分子量 |
formaldehyde 甲醛 |
177.2600 for Rubber |
water extractives 去离子水浸取法 |
n-hexane extractives 正己烷浸取法(只针对脂肪类食物接触) |
178.3800 for Wood |
Pentachlorophenol and its salt 五氯苯酚PCP |
181.32 or 180.22 |
Residual Acrylonitile in water 去离子水中丙烯晴残留 |
Residual Acrylonitile in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸中丙烯晴残留 |
Residual Acrylonitile in 8% ethanol 8%酒精中丙烯晴残留 |
Residual Acrylonitile in n-heptane 正庚烷中丙烯晴残留 |
(GRAS) Specifications for stainless stee cutlery |
Cr content (not less than 10.5%) 总Cr(不低于10.5%)(GRAS) |
(CMA) recommended specification Cookware |
Cr content ( not less than 16% ) 总Cr(不低于16%)(GRAS) |
Metalware-stainless steel |
composition analysis (C,S,N 分包材料实验室)成分分析 |
FDA CPG 7117.05 |
extractable lead 铅萃取 |
175.300 & CPG 7117.05 |
water extractives 去离子水浸取法 |
8% alcohol extractives 8%酒精浸取法 |
n-heptane extractives 正庚烷浸取法 |
extractable lead 铅萃取 |
7117.06,07 |
extractable lead and cadmium 溶出铅、镉测试 |
CP65 |
extractable lead and cadmium 溶出铅、镉测试 |
Leachable Lead and Cadmium(lip and rim region )杯边附加铅镉溶出量测试 (针对杯边2cm内有花纹的样品) * |