4 Premises 厂房
4.1 Princi?ple 原则
4.1.1 Premises should be located, designed, constructed and utilized so as:要定位,设计,建设和利用以:
a) to ensure protection of the product;确保产品防护
b) to permit efficient cleaning, if necessary, sanitizing and maintenance;必要时,允许有效清洗,消毒和维修
c) to minimize the risk of mix-up ...
更多4 Premises 厂房
4.1 Princi?ple 原则
4.1.1 Premises should be located, designed, constructed and utilized so as:要定位,设计,建设和利用以:
a) to ensure protection of the product;确保产品防护
b) to permit efficient cleaning, if necessary, sanitizing and maintenance;必要时,允许有效清洗,消毒和维修
c) to minimize the risk of mix-up of products, raw materials and packaging materials.*大程度降低产品原料和包材交叉
4.1.2 Premises design recommendations are described in these guidelines. Design decisions should be based on the type of
cosmetic product produced, existing conditions, cleaning and, if necessary, sanitizing measures used.
4.2 Types of area 区域类型
Separate or defined areas should be provided for storage, production, quality control, ancillary, washing and toilets.
4.3 Space 空间
Sufficient space should be provided to facilitate operations such as receipt, storage and production. 应提供足够的空间,以
4.4 Flow 流动性
Flow of materials, products and personnel through the building or buildings should be defined in order to prevent mix-ups.
4.5 Floors, walls, ceilings, windows 地面,墙壁,天花板,窗户
4.5.1 Floors, walls, ceilings and windows in production areas should be designed or constructed for ease of cleaning and, if
necessary, sanitization and be kept clean and in good repair.
4.5.2 Windows should be of non-opening design where ventilation is adequate. If windows are opened to the outside
environment, they should be properly screened.
4.5.3 New construction of production areas should incorporate considerations for proper cleaning and maintenance. Design
of new construction should include smooth surfaces if appropriate and these surfaces should allow for resistance to
corrosive cleaning and sanitizing agents.
4.6 Washing and toilet facilities 盥洗设施******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************盥洗设施要提供给员工,应与生产区域分开,但应直接通向生产区。适当时要提供淋浴和更衣设施。
4.7 Lighting 灯光
4.7.1 Adequate lighting, that is sufficient for operations, should be installed in all areas.
4.7.2 Lighting should be installed in a manner to ensure containment of any debris from potential breakage.Alternatively,
measures should be taken to protect the product.
4.8 Ventilation 通风设备
Ventilation should be sufficient for the intended production operations. Alternatively, specific measures should be taken to
protect the product.
4.9 Pipework, drains and ducts 管道,排水沟,排泄管
4.9.1 Pipework, drains and ducts should be installed in such a manner so that drip or condensation does not contaminate
materials, products, surfaces and equipment.
4.9.2 Drains should be kept clean and should not allow back flow.
4.9.3 Design considerations should be given to the following:设计所要考虑的
a) exposed overhead roof beams, pipes and ducts should be avoided; 当屋顶横梁外露时,管道和排泄管应避免
b) exposed pipes should not touch walls, but be suspended from or supported by brackets, sufficiently separated to allow
thorough cleaning;外露的管道不能接触墙,但可以由托架拖着或者吊着,要充分隔离以便彻底清洗
c) alternatively, specific measures should be taken to protect the product.否则,要采取措施保护产品。
4.10 Cleaning and sanitization 清洗消毒
4.10.1 Premises used for activities described in these guidelines should be maintained in a clean condition.
4.10.2 Cleaning and, if necessary, sanitization should be carried out to achieve the objective of protecting each product.
4.10.3 Cleaning and, if necessary, sanitizing agents to be used should be specified and effective.清洗试剂必要时消毒试剂
4.10.4 There should be cleaning and, if necessary, sanitization programmes corresponding to specific needs of each area.
4.11 Maintenance 维护
Premises used in activities described in these guidelines should be maintained in a good state of repair.规范中描述的厂房
4.12 Consumables 耗材
Consumables used for premises should not affect the quality of the product.
4.13 Pest control 虫害控制
4.13.1 Premises should be designed, constructed and maintained so as to restrict access to insects, birds, rodents, pests and
other vermin.
4.13.2 There should be a pest control programme appropriate for the premises.
4.13.3 Measures should be taken to control the exterior of the premises to prevent attracting or harbouring pests.