粉罐车Powder tank truck
粉罐车Powder tank truck
  • 规格:生产销售各类底盘各规格粉罐车粉粒物料运输车
  • 发货地:湖北省随州市
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1辆
  • 诚信商家









      Chu finesse CLQ5310GFL3 cement mixer - the main technical parameters
      产品名称: Product Name: CLQ5310GFL3 CLQ5310GFL3 公告批次: Notice the batch: 202 202
      底盘型号: Chassis model: EQ5311GFJ EQ5311GFJ 排放标准: Emission standards: - -
      总质量: Total Quality: 30900(Kg) 30900 (Kg) 接近/离去角: Approach / departure angle: 34/17,34/18(°) 34/17 34/18 (°)
      额定质量: Rated Quality: 15400(Kg) 15400 (Kg) 前悬后悬: Front overhang and rear overhang: 1205/3300,1205/3100(mm) 1205/3300 1205/3100 (mm)
      整备质量: Curb weight: 10440,10500(Kg) 10440,10500 (Kg) 最高车速: Maximum speed: 90(km/h) 90 (km / h)
      轴数: Number of axes: 4 4 前轮距: Front track: 1950/1950(mm) 1950/1950 (mm)
      轴距: Wheelbase: 1950+4050+1300,1950+4250+1300 1950 +4050 +1300,1950 +4250 +1300 后轮距: Rear track: 1860/1860(mm) 1860/1860 (mm)
      轮胎数: Number of tires: 12 12 轮胎规格: Tire size: 11.00-20,11.00R20 11.00-20,11.00 R20
      燃料种类: Fuel type: 柴油 Diesel fuel 弹簧片数: Spring: 9/9/10 9/9/10
      轴荷: Axle load: 6500/6500/17900(并装双轴) 6500/6500/17900 (and dual-shaft) 前排乘客: Front seat passengers: 3 3
      外型尺寸: Dimensions: 11805,11805×2470×3000,3350,3440(mm) 11805,11805 × 2470 × 3000,3350,3440 (mm)
      货厢尺寸: Compartment dimension: -×-×-(mm) - × - × - (mm)
      发动机型号 Engine Model 发动机排量(ML) Engine Displacement (ML) 发动机功率(KW) Engine Power (KW)
      ISDe245 ISDe245
      30 30
      ISDe270 ISDe270
      30 30
      C245 C245
      33 33
      L270 L270
      30 30
      YC6A260-31 YC6A260-31
      6700 6700
      6700 6700
      8300 8300
      8900 8900
      7255 7255
      180 180
      198 198
      180 180
      199 199
      191 191
      整车备注: Overall Remarks: 运输品名:聚乙烯粉末,密度:400千克/立方米,罐体有效容积:40立方米,罐体外形尺寸(罐体直段长×最大直径):8500(不含封头长度)×2360(mm)。 Shipping Name: polyethylene powder, density: 400 kg / cubic meter, effective tank volume: 40 m3 tank dimensions (tank straight segment length × diameter): 8500 (excluding head length) × 2 360 ( mm).
      专用性能: Special Performance: 也称散装水泥车、粉煤灰运输车,它适用于粉煤灰、水泥、石灰粉、矿石粉、颗粒碱等颗粒直径不大于0.1mm粉粒干燥物料的散装运输。 Also known as bulk cement truck, fly ash truck, which applies to such as fly ash, cement, lime powder, mineral powder, granules alkali particle diameter of not more than 0.1mm powder dry bulk transport of materials. 散装水泥运输车是一种在工业、农业、商业、电厂、建筑业等方面得到广泛应用的专用汽车。 The bulk cement truck is been widely used in industry, agriculture, commerce, power plants, construction special-purpose vehicles. (目前湖北成龙威散装水泥车根据客户要求可选装散装水泥及粉粒物料卸料双动力驱动系统双动力源散装水泥运输车)。 (Currently Hubei Jackie Chan Wei bulk cement truck according to the customer requirements optional bulk cement and silt materials unloading dual-power drive system, dual power source bulk cement truck).
      需要更多资料及产品图片请直接与我公司联系,我们会为您提供最好的服务! 联系电话:15327585199 18971798576 Need more information and product images please contact me, we will provide you with the best service! Tel: 15327585199 18971798576

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