    ABB 3HAB8277-1
    发布者:WEIXUAN008  发布时间:2024-05-17 10:20:28  访问次数:

    126x1788-2 GE support flange - muffler to turbo
    126x1828 GE turbine inlet flange
    126x1833 GE oil seal, turbine end
    126x1840 GE turbine casing
    126x1848 GE turbocharger
    126x1853 GE big machining (casing, air inlet)
    126x1873 GE inlet flange
    126x1874 GE inlet shroud
    126x1887 GE rotor
    126x1905 GE superseded to 126x2034
    126x1906 GE shroud
    126x1907 GE nozzle ring, 26 7 sq  in  flow area
    126x1914-R GE turbocharger REMAN - repair and return
    126x1917 GE nozzle ring, 26 sq  in  flow area
    126x1927 GE nozzle ring, 26 sq  in  flow area
    126x1933 GE nozzle ring
    126x1953-R GE turbocharger REMAN - repair and return
    126x2034 GE turbo inlet flange
    1260739 CAT liner
    1265923 CAT cylinder block
    1275537 CAT oil cooler core assembly
    127887 EMD elbow
    128x1006-1 GE gasket at cylinder head, oval, 12/16
    128x1020-1 GE manifold body
    128x1021-1 GE manifold tube
    128x1023-1 GE ring
    128x1024-1 GE intake can  end cover
    128x1049 GE bushing
    128x1137 GE tube
    128x1138 GE tube
    128x1139 GE connecting pipe
    128x1152-3 GE 8 cyl 
    128x1353-4 GE main section, sigle pipe man  12c or 16c
    128x1354-1 GE elbow, right side
    128x1355-1 GE elbow, left side
    128x1357-1 GE gasket
    128x1358 GE gasket
    128x1359 GE gasket, turbocharger
    128x1361-1 GE left intercooler
    128x1400 GE gasket
    128x1401 GE gasket, bottom header
    128x1403 GE large clamp, single pipe at trans sect , 12/16
    128x1404 GE small clamp, single pipe, 12/16
    128x1413-1 GE gasket at trans  section, 12/16
    128x1417-6 GE air elbow
    128x1418-1 GE flange, with stud, air
    128x1427 GE bellows, 13 corr  (for repairs only)
    128x1431 GE bellows, 18 corr  (for repairs only)
    128x1437 GE bellows, 5 corr  (for repairs only)
    128x1442 GE bolting ring
    128x1443-11 GE transition section for 12 cyl  Single Pipe Man 
    128x1444-7 GE transition section for 16 cyl  Single Pipe Man 
    128x1476-2 GE 12 cyl  Single Pipe Manifold, w/128x1443-11
    128x1483-2 GE intercooler
    128x1491 GE tube
    128x1496 GE see 128x1657
    128x1497 GE see 128x1659
    128x1498 GE see 128x1660
    128x1499 GE see 128x1661

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