    LSI BAT1S3P P16353-06-C 中兴存储ZXF20 S260控制器电池
    发布者:BJWYDX123  发布时间:2023-07-26 15:34:06  访问次数:

    MCX713106AS-VEAT 200GbE Dual-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Secure Boot Tall Bracket光纤网卡MCX713106AC-VEAT 200GbE Dual-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Crypto and Secure Boot Tall Bracket光纤网卡MCX75310AAS-NEAT NVIDIA ConnectX-7 400GbE/NDR IB Single-Port OSFP HHHL Adapter Card - PCIe 5.0 x16, Crypto Disabled, Secure Boot Enabled光纤网卡 MCX755106AS-HEAT CX755106A NVIDIA ConnectX-7 VPI 2x200Gb光纤网卡批发TEL:13910098771

    LSI  BAT1S3P  P16353-06-C 24232-0  中兴存储ZXF20 S260控制器电池JY200 C291H  BAT1S3P  MD3000 MD3000I DELL存储控制器电池3HAC044075-001/01 7.2V ABB机器人SMB设备电池ABB电池 LS17500-2CELL-LI4600  3IFR26/65-2  9.6V  4600mAh/44Wh  Rechargeable Li-ion Battery Pack 宇视网络存储控制器电池批发TEL:13910098771

    MCX713106AC-VEAT 200GbE Dual-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Crypto and Secure Boot Tall Bracket网卡TEL:13910098771

    MCX713106AS-VEAT 200GbE Dual-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Secure Boot Tall Bracket光纤网卡TEL:13910098771

    MCX713106AS-VEAT ConnectX-7 Ethernet Adapter Cards User Manual 200Gbe Dual-Port

    Key Features
    Up to 25 Gb/s bandwidth
    Message rate of up to 215 Mpps
    Sub 0.8 usec latency
    Flexible programmable pipeline for new network flows
    Multi-Host with advanced QoS
    ASAP2 - Accelerated Switching and Packet Processing for virtual switches/routers
    Overlay tunneling technologies
    IPsec and TLS in-line crypto acceleration
    Block crypto acceleration for data-at-rest
    Hardware Root-of-Trust and secure firmware update
    Connection Tracking offload
    Advanced RoCE capabilities
    Best in class PTP for TSN applications
    GPUDirect for GPU-to-GPU communication
    Host chaining technology for economical rack design
    Platform agnostic: x86, Power, Arm
    ODCC compatible

    ConnectX-7 Ethernet Adapter Cards User Manual


    400GbE Single-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Crypto and Secure Boot Tall Bracket


    400GbE Single-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Secure Boot Tall Bracket


    200GbE Dual-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Crypto and Secure Boot Tall Bracket


    200GbE Dual-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Secure Boot Tall Bracket


    100GbE Dual-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Crypto and Secure Boot Tall Bracket


    100GbE Dual-port QSFP112 PCIe 5.0 x16 Secure Boot Tall Bracket


    25GbE Quad-port SFP PCIe 4.0 x16 Crypto and Secure Boot Tall Bracket


    25GbE Quad-port SFP PCIe 4.0 x16 Secure Boot Tall Bracket


    25GbE/50GbE Quad-port SFP PCIe 5.0 x16 Enhanced-SyncE PTP PPS in/out Tall Bracket


    25GbE/50GbE Quad-port SFP PCIe 5.0 x16 Secure Boot Enhanced-SyncE PTP PPS in/out Tall Bracket


    Data Rate

    InfiniBand (Default)


    Ethernet 400/200/100/50/40/10/1 Gb/s Ethernet

    Protocol Support

    InfiniBand: IBTA v1.5a

    Auto-Negotiation: NDR (4 lanes x 100Gb/s per lane) port, NDR200 (2 lanes x 100Gb/s per lane) port, HDR (50Gb/s per lane) port, HDR100 (2 lane x 50Gb/s per lane), EDR (25Gb/s per lane) port, FDR (14.0625Gb/s per lane), 1X/2X/4X SDR (2.5Gb/s per lane).

    Ethernet: 400GAUI-4 C2M, 400GBASE-CR4, 200GAUI-2 C2M, 200GAUI-4 C2M, 200GBASE-CR4, 100GAUI-2 C2M, 100GAUI-1 C2M, 100GBASE-CR4, 100GBASE-CR2, 100GBASE-CR1, 50GAUI-2 C2M, 50GAUI-1 C2M, 50GBASE-CR, 50GBASE-R2 , 40GBASE-CR4, 40GBASE-R2, 25GBASE-R, 10GBASE-R, 10GBASE-CX4, 1000BASE-CX, CAUI-4 C2M, 25GAUI C2M, XLAUI C2M , XLPPI, SFI  

    MCX755106AC-HEAT MCX755106AS-HEAT 

    MCX713106AC-CEAT  MCX713106AS-CEAT 

    MCX713106AC-VEAT  MCX713106AS-VEAT

    MCX713104AC-ADAT  MCX713104AS-ADAT 

    Mellanox/迈洛思 MCX755106AS-HEAT网卡400G

    MCX755106AS-HEAT  CX755106A  NVIDIA  ConnectX-7 VPI  2x200Gb光纤网卡MCX755106AN-HEAT  Mellanox ConnectX-7 VPI  400Gb  adapter card 400Gb/s HDR,HDR100,EDR 2x QSFP HHHL光纤网卡ConnectX-1  ConnectX-2  ConnectX-3  ConnectX-4  ConnectX-5  ConnectX-6  ConnectX-7系列光缆网卡Mellanox光纤交换机IB交换机Mellanox交换机线缆Mellanox交换机光纤模块Mellanox交换机电源等整机及配件批发TEL:13910098771

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