Sales Engineer:陈维宝
ROEMHELD 油缸 1942-017
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 增压机 8755-232
ROEMHELD 连接螺栓 3614091 M12 x 32 Schlüsselweite 17mm
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1895-333-VDH35
ROEMHELD 备件 0154-310
ROEMHELD 备件 0350-114
ROEMHELD 夹紧块 A.1134.0965 1824-829
ROEMHELD 备件 1942017
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1895-524AL
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1896-604AL
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1896-504AL
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑缸 1953-322
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑缸 1955-322
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑缸 1953-320
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1895-524AL
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1896-604AL
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1896-504AL
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑缸 1953-322
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑缸 1955-322
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑缸 1953-320
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1942-012
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1850-104AL
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1895-624AL
ROEMHELD 备件 1942017
ROEMHELD 备件 NR:0460-729 01.068350
ROEMHELD 密封件 配套端模油缸15481002的密封件
ROEMHELD 侧模油缸 1550950
ROEMHELD 密封件 配套侧模油缸1550950的密封件
ROEMHELD 密封件 配套顶杆油缸15491005的密封件
ROEMHELD 密封件 配套端模油缸15461061的密封件
ROEMHELD 端模油缸 15461061
ROEMHELD 顶杆油缸 15491005
ROEMHELD 端模油缸 15481002
ROEMHELD 油缸 1533166
ROEMHELD 油缸 1534166B
ROEMHELD 备件 1544105B
ROEMHELD 转角夹紧油缸 1895-103AL
ROEMHELD 接口总成 接口总成0460-739
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1895-104M(顺时针)
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1895-204M(逆时针)
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1548-105
ROEMHELD 电器件 1547196
ROEMHELD 备件 D-35321 Laubaoh 1546513
ROEMHELD 备件 1547513
ROEMHELD 备件 D-35321 Laubaoh 1901001
ROEMHELD 阀 No.1893-106
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 夹紧缸 1896423VMM36
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 0131497
ROEMHELD 增压油缸传感器连接器 3829-230
ROEMHELD 备件 4605-932
ROEMHELD 转角夹紧油缸 1895103VI
ROEMHELD 备件 1957001
ROEMHELD 注油器总成 0460-775
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1953-002
ROEMHELD 油缸 1891881 P17R 613561
ROEMHELD 油缸 1891880 P17R 616158
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 备件 1942000
ROEMHELD 限位开关 3829-234/10-30V/100mA
ROEMHELD 油缸 1911-003
ROEMHELD 备件 1875103
ROEMHELD 备件 1875203
ROEMHELD 备件 4316-120
ROEMHELD 油缸 1544195B
ROEMHELD 备件 1544105B
ROEMHELD 备件 1544165B
ROEMHELD 备件 2953100
ROEMHELD 单向阀 0460656
ROEMHELD 备件 2953100
ROEMHELD 单向阀 0460656
ROEMHELD 维修包 0131021
ROEMHELD 维修包 0131021
ROEMHELD 块状油缸 1537146
ROEMHELD 油缸 1471-001
ROEMHELD 夹紧油缸(左) 1895509
ROEMHELD 夹紧油缸(右) 1895609
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 油缸 1458001
ROEMHELD 备件 1895-201-vmh35
ROEMHELD 备件 4316-120
ROEMHELD 维修包 9284-006
ROEMHELD 螺纹钢 1462-101
ROEMHELD 油缸 1534166B
ROEMHELD 备件 3829228
ROEMHELD 备件 1534136B
ROEMHELD 接近开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 备件 1895141M
ROEMHELD 备件 1955012
ROEMHELD 备件 3829228
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1543-516
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 9284036
ROEMHELD 备件 1942000
ROEMHELD 电器件 1315-020
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑 1942-898
ROEMHELD 备件 8755-066
ROEMHELD 备件 1876303
ROEMHELD 备件 1876403
ROEMHELD 联轴器 0460-659
ROEMHELD 备件 1547516
ROEMHELD 备件 1874403
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1545195B 957659
ROEMHELD 回转式夹具 SWINGCLAMP 1875-403(逆时针旋转)
ROEMHELD 油缸 1895-103
ROEMHELD 回转四路接口 9284-036
ROEMHELD 备件 1895-101
ROEMHELD 备件 1876303
ROEMHELD 备件 1876403
ROEMHELD 密封SEAL 0132-125(用于1942-107、1942-117)
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 1534166B
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 3614065
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 1537146B
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 3829228
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 1895503
ROEMHELD 密封SEAL 0132-125(用于1942-107、1942-117)
ROEMHELD 密封SEAL 0132-125(用于1942-107、1942-117)
ROEMHELD 备件 1533-196B
ROEMHELD 油缸 1533-166B
ROEMHELD 回转式夹具 SWINGCLAMP 1875-403(逆时针旋转)
ROEMHELD 油缸 1546407
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1955-022
ROEMHELD 备件 8911-06-40-E
ROEMHELD 备件 3823-025
ROEMHELD 备件 3821-246
ROEMHELD 备件 3823-040-3M
ROEMHELD 备件 8911-06-40-E
ROEMHELD 备件 3823-025
ROEMHELD 备件 3821-246
ROEMHELD 备件 3823-040-3M
ROEMHELD 气缸 1285868
ROEMHELD 油缸 1534166B
ROEMHELD 备件 1544105B
ROEMHELD 备件 1534136B
ROEMHELD 锁紧缸 1543-160-L
ROEMHELD 支撑气缸头部连接块 3614-091
ROEMHELD 旋转夹爪 1895-303-VDH35
ROEMHELD 锁紧缸 1544-100K
ROEMHELD 连接机构 A.1106.1331 0460-656R
ROEMHELD 夹紧缸 1804200B
ROEMHELD 转角缸 1850112
ROEMHELD 夹紧缸 1802200
ROEMHELD 夹紧缸 1802101
ROEMHELD 夹紧缸 1804200
ROEMHELD 夹紧缸 1802230B
ROEMHELD 转角缸 1895203V1
ROEMHELD 转角缸 1895103V1
ROEMHELD 转角缸 1850122
ROEMHELD 夹紧缸 1804230B
ROEMHELD 夹具撑块 1463000
ROEMHELD 增压器 8755-032
ROEMHELD 多通道联轴器 L38 R 223008 0460-798
ROEMHELD 增压器 8755-032
ROEMHELD 回转缸 1896-203
ROEMHELD 油缸 1896-103NM90M ZKG2 AF210
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1895-204M(逆时针)
ROEMHELD 备件 2954429
ROEMHELD 备件 2954836
ROEMHELD 支撑 1933-005
ROEMHELD 备件 1955-906
ROEMHELD 备件 1955-901
ROEMHELD 备件 1957-021
ROEMHELD 阀 1942107
ROEMHELD 块状油缸 1537146
ROEMHELD 块状油缸 1538146
ROEMHELD 备件 D-35321 LAUBACH 1544265
ROEMHELD 备件 1547513
ROEMHELD 单向阀 2951-417
ROEMHELD 内部接口 0460-656
ROEMHELD 单向阀 2951-417
ROEMHELD 油缸 1893-604
ROEMHELD 备件 1942112
ROEMHELD 备件 1541106YM
ROEMHELD 备件 1541106XM
ROEMHELD 备件 18931191
ROEMHELD 备件 18961093
ROEMHELD 备件 1474829
ROEMHELD 备件 1942112
ROEMHELD 备件 1541106YM
ROEMHELD 备件 1541106XM
ROEMHELD 备件 18931191
ROEMHELD 备件 18961093
ROEMHELD 备件 1474829
ROEMHELD 节流阀 9208-130
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1895-203
ROEMHELD 专用密封件 专用密封件配1895-203型油缸
ROEMHELD 电器件 1876206
ROEMHELD 备件 1942112
ROEMHELD 备件 1541106YM
ROEMHELD 备件 1541106XM
ROEMHELD 备件 18931191
ROEMHELD 备件 18961093
ROEMHELD 备件 1474829
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1895-203
ROEMHELD 专用密封件 专用密封件配1895-203型油缸
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1545-165
ROEMHELD 油缸 1545-105B
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 液压泵 3819076
ROEMHELD 锁紧缸 1431-001,行程6mm DRAWING NO:4.823936.D
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1545-165
ROEMHELD 油缸 1545-105B
ROEMHELD 备件 15471026
ROEMHELD 电器件 1876206
ROEMHELD 锯站放件平台液压缸 1896333VMM36
ROEMHELD 油缸 H4.307 (4316-120)
ROEMHELD 备件 1942000
ROEMHELD 液压元件 1543-513
ROEMHELD 液压元件 3829-099
ROEMHELD 液压元件 3829-234
ROEMHELD 锯站放件平台液压缸 1896333VMM36
ROEMHELD 阳接口 0460-691
ROEMHELD 减压阀 2953-111
ROEMHELD 内部接口 0460-691
ROEMHELD 减压阀 2953-111
ROEMHELD 备件 0460691
ROEMHELD 备件 0460691
ROEMHELD 备件 1461110
ROEMHELD 备件 1942000
ROEMHELD 备件 1942000
ROEMHELD 备件 1549-105(100/63-40)
ROEMHELD 备件 1546-105(50/32-25)
ROEMHELD 备件 1555-160(40/25-50)
ROEMHELD 夹紧缸 1802230B
ROEMHELD 备件 1544513
ROEMHELD 油缸 1535-166B_Hub_50 12.9KN
ROEMHELD 块状油缸 1534196 φ32/20-100
ROEMHELD 块状油缸 1534196 φ32/20-100
ROEMHELD 活塞 0350125
ROEMHELD 油缸 1535-166B_Hub_50 12.9KN
ROEMHELD 减压阀 2953-111
ROEMHELD 备件 1955-901
ROEMHELD 夹紧油缸 Clamp cylinder 10201003_clamp_hyd_1824-040
ROEMHELD 油缸 H4.307 (4316-120)
ROEMHELD 液压元件 1543-513
ROEMHELD 液压元件 3829-099
ROEMHELD 液压元件 3829-234
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1942-010
ROEMHELD 油缸 H4.307 (4316-120)
ROEMHELD 油缸 1574818 500bar
ROEMHELD 油缸 1534-136 B Hub_25
ROEMHELD 油缸 1544-105_B_Hub_25
ROEMHELD 备件 1942000
ROEMHELD 油缸 1434001
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1942-012
ROEMHELD 接口总成 接口总成0460-739
ROEMHELD 备件 1942000
ROEMHELD 备件 1472-001 U46 RR 4384021
ROEMHELD 联轴器 0460-886 L33 R 219943
ROEMHELD 联轴器 0460-886 L33 R 219943
ROEMHELD 夹紧块 A.1134.1595 1824-828
ROEMHELD 备件 1472001M
ROEMHELD 备件 8755-050
ROEMHELD 备件 1804-110
ROEMHELD 备件 1942-002
ROEMHELD 备件 1474001
ROEMHELD 注油器总成 0460-775
ROEMHELD 接头 0460-656
ROEMHELD 接头 0460-831
ROEMHELD 备件 0460691
ROEMHELD 备件 1474001
ROEMHELD 注油器总成 0460-775
ROEMHELD 油缸 R1942010WS
ROEMHELD 螺纹钢 1462-101
ROEMHELD 接近开关 6.3829.0980
ROEMHELD 备件 0131-123
ROEMHELD 密封包 0132-701
ROEMHELD 联轴器 0460-886 L33 R 219943
ROEMHELD 多通道联轴器 L38 R 223008 0460-798
ROEMHELD 备件 1955924
ROEMHELD 备件 1545-513
ROEMHELD 备件 1545-519
ROEMHELD 备件 1544-513
ROEMHELD 备件 1547-513
ROEMHELD 备件 1545-516
ROEMHELD 限位开关 3829-234/10-30V/100MA
ROEMHELD 夹紧块 A.1134.1595 1824-828
ROEMHELD 备件 0460691
ROEMHELD 备件 3527-015
ROEMHELD 备件 3527-048
ROEMHELD 备件 0341-100
ROEMHELD 备件 0341-101
ROEMHELD 备件 1544-519
ROEMHELD 备件 0131-445
ROEMHELD 备件 12x147/8.0530.0058
ROEMHELD 分配单元 5.0481.0207
ROEMHELD 锁紧油缸 1474-011
ROEMHELD 备件 2954420
ROEMHELD 液压软管 NW4 250bar L=900mm
ROEMHELD 备件 1543-364 M36 R 345006
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1896-604AI
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1896-504AI
ROEMHELD 转角油缸 1895-524AI
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑缸 1955-322
ROEMHELD 旋转夹钳 1875-206
ROEMHELD 备件 1955-901
ROEMHELD 液压油缸 1297130120
ROEMHELD 液压油缸 1546165
ROEMHELD 增压泵 8772-101
ROEMHELD 油缸 1546-165
ROEMHELD 密封圈 3000-842
ROEMHELD 电夹紧缸 1835B090L26M 24V 360W Y02 R
ROEMHELD 备件 1835B090L26M 24V 360W Y02 L
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1942-010
ROEMHELD 配件 1539-156
ROEMHELD 备件 1535-136
ROEMHELD 接近开关 3829-204
ROEMHELD 备件 3829-228
ROEMHELD 气缸 订货号:1873105
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1942-010
ROEMHELD 配件 1539-156
ROEMHELD 备件 1535-136
ROEMHELD 接近开关 3829-204
ROEMHELD 备件 3829-228
ROEMHELD 接近开关 6.3829.0980
ROEMHELD 限位开关 3829-234/10-30V/100mA
ROEMHELD 支撑 1933-005
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1897-460
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1897-461
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1545-1031
ROEMHELD 支撑 1933-005
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1897-460
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1897-461
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1545-1031
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1942-015
ROEMHELD 备件 1547513
ROEMHELD 备件 0460-735 019R
ROEMHELD 支撑 1933-005
ROEMHELD 油缸 1897-1370M30M
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1897-460
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1941-816
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1897-461
ROEMHELD 油缸 1897-1371M30M
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1545-1031
ROEMHELD 支撑 1933-005
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1897-460
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1897-461
ROEMHELD 油缸 E1545-1031
ROEMHELD 油缸 1825130
ROEMHELD 支撑 1942-900
ROEMHELD 气缸 8819-101
ROEMHELD 油缸 1373-010
ROEMHELD 备件 1458-002
ROEMHELD 备件 0460-656R,A.1106.1331
ROEMHELD 备件 1544-513
ROEMHELD 备件 0131-151 FOR 1541-196YM
ROEMHELD 模具液压油缸 1544513
ROEMHELD 备件 1544-513
ROEMHELD 备件 NO.809117-E8 062-064
ROEMHELD 配件 1539-156
ROEMHELD 油缸 1534-136 B Hub_25
ROEMHELD 油缸 1544-105_B_Hub_25
ROEMHELD 备件 2954-420
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑 1941-012
ROEMHELD 备件 1543513
ROEMHELD 液压元件 1543-513
ROEMHELD 减压阀 2953-110
ROEMHELD 备件 1940-501
ROEMHELD 备件 1896031 E1896-031
ROEMHELD 备件 1896030 E1896-030
ROEMHELD 备件 1543-106YM
ROEMHELD 备件 8755-032(HC2-3.2-B-1B) 1261194
ROEMHELD 油缸 1543516L
ROEMHELD 配套维修包 Repair kits use for 1543516L
ROEMHELD 备件 1824040
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1953-002
ROEMHELD 滑动夹 Order Nr. HCR-8.2205.1305
ROEMHELD 备件 0132527
ROEMHELD 备件 0132526
ROEMHELD 转角夹紧油缸 1895103VI
ROEMHELD 辅助油缸 1942021
ROEMHELD 接头 3829-106
ROEMHELD 角向推缸 1472001M
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 1534166B
ROEMHELD 备件 1544105BH10
ROEMHELD 备件 1539156BH30
ROEMHELD 备件 1534136BH10
ROEMHELD 备件 1544105B
ROEMHELD 备件 1539156BH20
ROEMHELD 备件 1534136B
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1942-012
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1942-010
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 1534166B
ROEMHELD 备件 1544105BH10
ROEMHELD 备件 1539156BH30
ROEMHELD 备件 1534136BH10
ROEMHELD 备件 1544105B
ROEMHELD 备件 1539156BH20
ROEMHELD 备件 1534136B
ROEMHELD 备件 Artikel-Nr. 1534166B
ROEMHELD 备件 1544105BH10
ROEMHELD 备件 1539156BH30
ROEMHELD 备件 1534136BH10
ROEMHELD 备件 1544105B
ROEMHELD 备件 1539156BH20
ROEMHELD 备件 1534136B
ROEMHELD 备件 3829-240
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 备件 3829-099
ROEMHELD 备件 3829-124
ROEMHELD 减压阀 2953-110
ROEMHELD 备件 E 1955-901
ROEMHELD 减压阀 2953-110
ROEMHELD Threaded bushing 0154-611
ROEMHELD Threaded bushing 0154-611
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1546-100C
ROEMHELD 油缸密封套件 0132-070
ROEMHELD 备件 1942000
ROEMHELD 液压夹钳 1824-909A 80bar
ROEMHELD 接头 0460-635
ROEMHELD 支撑件 1940012
ROEMHELD 备件 0131264
ROEMHELD 备件 1895101
ROEMHELD 备件 1895231
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1543-516
ROEMHELD 液压元件 3829-099
ROEMHELD 感应器连接器 3829-124
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 感应器 3829-240
ROEMHELD 油缸 1543-165
ROEMHELD 电缸 1835-B090-L26M
ROEMHELD 电缸 1835-B090-R26M
ROEMHELD 摆动夹紧缸 1856Q090R27 Swing clamp da 90 cw type B topflangeclamp.str.10 swing str. 17 mm70 bar see page B1.8500
ROEMHELD 油缸 1896509
ROEMHELD 油缸 1896609
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑 1941-002
ROEMHELD 支撑 1933-005
ROEMHELD 内部接口 0460-656
ROEMHELD 备件 E 1955-901
ROEMHELD 备件 809 117-E8
ROEMHELD 备件 1311-025
ROEMHELD 备件 1547190
ROEMHELD 备件 1547190
ROEMHELD 油缸 NR.8753808
ROEMHELD 备件 1547190
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1942-010
ROEMHELD 夹紧油缸 1940-010-K47-R-857204
ROEMHELD 备件 3534-051
ROEMHELD 备件 1942000
ROEMHELD 备件 1854A090R21
ROEMHELD 备件 1854A090L21
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑 1941-002
ROEMHELD 支撑 1933-005
ROEMHELD 内部接口 0460-656
ROEMHELD 备件 E 1955-901
ROEMHELD 液压缸 1543-516
ROEMHELD 液压元件 3829-099
ROEMHELD 感应器连接器 3829-124
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-234
ROEMHELD 感应器 3829-240
ROEMHELD 油缸 1543-165
ROEMHELD 夹紧油缸 1940-010-K47-R-857204
ROEMHELD 油缸 2954-420
ROEMHELD 旋转油缸 1897-108VMH38
ROEMHELD 气动液压泵 6855-152
ROEMHELD 旋转油缸 1897-228VMH38
ROEMHELD 旋转油缸 1897-208VMH38
ROEMHELD 备件 1897275
ROEMHELD 备件 0131-151 FOR 1541-196YM
ROEMHELD 位置开关 3829-201
ROEMHELD 备件 0460-659/01.068349
ROEMHELD 油缸 HILMA.STARK Art-Nr. Part-No:15471026
ROEMHELD 备件 8772-101
ROEMHELD 备件 8772-101
ROEMHELD 备件 8755-032(HC2-3.2-B-1B) 1261194
ROEMHELD 维修包 0131155
ROEMHELD 备件 6812-410
ROEMHELD 单向阀 0460691
ROEMHELD 单向阀 0460656
ROEMHELD 维修包 0131155
ROEMHELD 压力开关 9740.050
ROEMHELD 油缸 1825843
ROEMHELD 油缸 1825843
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑 1942010
ROEMHELD 电器件 15461032
ROEMHELD 回转夹头 18951677
ROEMHELD 备件 1458-002
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑 1942010
ROEMHELD 备件 1893-1196
ROEMHELD 备件 6853-070 22529 S 47
ROEMHELD 辅助支撑 1942010
ROEMHELD 备件 8817-002
ROEMHELD 内部接口 0460-656
ROEMHELD 油缸 1897-1371M30M
ROEMHELD 备件 9730500
ROEMHELD 冷却水连接器 0460-1006
ROEMHELD 液压油连接器 0460-1004
ROEMHELD 电机 6855-701
ROEMHELD 气体连接器 0460-711
ROEMHELD 冷却水连接器 0460-1007
ROEMHELD 气体连接器 0460-713
ROEMHELD 电器件 8775-101
ROEMHELD 节流阀 2956-410
ROEMHELD 连接机构 A.1106.1331 0460-656R
ROEMHELD 连接机构 A.1106.1331 0460-656R
ROEMHELD 压紧螺栓 3611-008
ROEMHELD 杠杆夹紧装置 1826-7441
ROEMHELD 锁紧气缸 1516-005
ROEMHELD 回转夹具 1895-208-VMH-35-LI
ROEMHELD 油缸 1897-1371M30M
SIBRE 备件 SHI252-2200*36-RL
SIBRE 摩擦片 摩擦片USB3-I-80\6
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-Ⅲ-ED121/6-630*30
SIBRE 制动器 EBC 100/30-CB8
SIBRE 机械制动器 TE-S250/300-50
SIBRE 制动器带刹车片 USB-III-EB112 50/60-560*30
SIBRE 制动器 TMB400-GH180
SIBRE 推进器 EB 300-50 ⅡT 380V 0.4A 1.8kW
SIBRE 安全制动器液压站 V2.1C-sonder 380VAC 24VDC
SIBRE 安全制动器液压站 V2.1C-sonder 380VAC 24VDC
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-III-ED201/6-630X30
SIBRE 摩擦片 Lin-Ling-SHI 202
SIBRE 制动器 TMB400-GH180
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-I-Ed50/6-400*30制动力矩
SIBRE 制动器 GSd 115.60-98
SIBRE 推进器 EBc-100/30
SIBRE 制动器 TE160/EB120/40
SIBRE 备件 USB3-III-ED201/6-630X30
SIBRE 盘式制动器刹车片 SH202-1500/150
SIBRE 盘式制动器刹车片 SH202-1500/150
SIBRE 制动器 tmb400-gh-180
SIBRE 刹车片 SHI202
SIBRE 刹车片 SHI202
SIBRE 刹车片 SHI202
SIBRE 制动器 TE160/EB120/40
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-III-ED201/6 to suit 630x30 brake disc. c/w Released Proximity Switch,Pad Wear Switch,Engaged Switch.
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-Ⅲ-ED121/6-1250X30力矩15500NM)
SIBRE 制动器 USB-I-800/60-ф500*30 M1501 206E Q235
SIBRE 制动器 USB-3-I-ED50/6-400*30
SIBRE 盘式制动器 SUB3-1EB800/60-500*30
SIBRE 西伯瑞制动器 USB3-Ⅰ-ED50/6-710*20
SIBRE 制动器 TE200-EB300/50
SIBRE 制动器 TE200-EB300/50
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB-c33-560*30-EB2000/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-III-121/6
SIBRE 制动瓦片 USB3-III-121/6
SIBRE 摩擦片Sinter friction lining Sinter friction lining for USB-C33 brake
SIBRE 制动器+推进器+制动盘+附件 USB-C33-EB2000/60+break disc.560*30+Limit Switch WN200-27+Limit Switch WN200-25+Emergency Lever with switch WN200-26 +Marine Paint RAL5015
SIBRE 电力液压盘式制动器 USB3-Ⅲ-Ed121/6-630×30
SIBRE 卡钳总成 SHI252
SIBRE 卡钳总成 SHI252
SIBRE 备件 USB-III\C1230904500057
SIBRE 备件 USB-III\C1230904500057
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-I-400x30-50/6
SIBRE 盘式制动器刹车片 SH202-1500/150
SIBRE 液压油泵 配套的液压油泵V3
SIBRE 制动器 SHI232
SIBRE 制动器 TE315-EB800/60
SIBRE 制动器 TE315-EB800/60
SIBRE 电磁制动器 TMB400-GH180 M.Br:100-1700
SIBRE 卡钳总成 SHI252
SIBRE 卡钳总成 SHI252
SIBRE 卡钳总成 SHI252
SIBRE 制动器 TE315/EB500/60
SIBRE 制动器线圈 GH 160.28 205V DC 25/100%ED
SIBRE 抱闸 GH165 S.N:5266070105
SIBRE 制动器 GH180.08
SIBRE 制动器 TMB400-GH180
SIBRE 制动器 TMB315-GH160.2825/100%-230VDC
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-EB800/60
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-EB800/60
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-EB800/60
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-111-121/6 M1501 203E 3200-7250NM P=0.35
SIBRE 备件 USB3-111-121/60
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-EB800/60
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-EB800/60
SIBRE 备件 TMB400-GH180 直流电压180-220V 或交流电压220-240(含交流-直流转换器)
SIBRE 备件 TMB400-GH180 直流电压180-220V 或交流电压220-240(含交流-直流转换器)
SIBRE 制动器 TE315/30/5
SIBRE 推动器 TYPE﹕USB3-I-EB800/60 M Br.:1380-2610 Kom.Nr:128058
SIBRE 制动片(盘式液压制动) SHI201-800
SIBRE 制动片(盘式液压制动) SHI201-800
SIBRE 制动片(盘式液压制动) SHI201-800
SIBRE 制动器 USB-1 EB500/60 400-30
SIBRE 制动器 SH1252
SIBRE 要摩擦片不要制动器 SHI106 制动器配套摩擦片
SIBRE 制动器 SK4-M1 BELAG 50 B=12.5
SIBRE 制动器 SK4-M2 B=16
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-Ⅲ-ED121/6-630*30
SIBRE 制动器 CB8-E-100
SIBRE 制动器 GH180.08 205VDC
SIBRE 制动器(包含推动器)一套 USB3-III-1250/6 (with EMG EB1250-60 II)
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-1-EB500/60-630*30
SIBRE 摩擦片 Sinter friction lining for USB3-I-800/60 M br:1500-3360 Nm
SIBRE 制动器 TE400EB500/60
SIBRE 制动器 TMB315-GH160.2825/100%-230VDC
SIBRE 制动器 TMB315-GH160.2825/100%-230VDC
SIBRE 摩擦片 Lining for brake SHI-106
SIBRE 摩擦片 Lining for brake SHI-106
SIBRE 摩擦片 Lining for brake SHI-202
SIBRE 摩擦片 Lining for brake SHI-202
SIBRE 隔爆型电液推动器 BED201/6 额定推力2000N 输入功率375W 行程60mm 380/660V 1.3A
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-1250/60
SIBRE 制动器 TMB315-GH160.2825/100%-230VDC
SIBRE 制动器 TMB315-GH160.2825/100%-230VDC
SIBRE 制动器 TE400/1250/60 125-2750N M
SIBRE 制动器 TE400/1250/60 125-2750N M
SIBRE 制动器 TE400/1250/60 125-2750N M
SIBRE 手动装置 WN 200-26
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-EB800/60
SIBRE 摩擦片 USB2-0.5-30/5
SIBRE 摩擦片 USB2-0.5-30/5
SIBRE brake E-4N (A1976)
SIBRE 电力液压制动器 EB500-60/2
SIBRE 制动器 TE250-EB500/60
SIBRE 制动器 TE250-EB500/60
SIBRE 摩擦片 USB3-Ⅲ-3000/60
SIBRE 摩擦片 USB3-Ⅲ-3000/60
SIBRE 抱闸 GSD135/6010
SIBRE 抱闸 GH165 S.N:5266070105
SIBRE 抱闸 GH165 S.N:5266070105
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-ED80/6 制动力矩100-1800N.M
SIBRE 制动器 TE200-ED30/5 制动力矩85-400N.M
SIBRE 制动片 制动片用于USB3-Ⅲ-Ed121/6-630×30 制动器
SIBRE 制动器 TE500/1250/60
SIBRE 制动器刹片 shi105×1000
SIBRE 制动器刹片 shi105×1000
SIBRE 主钩制动器 TYP:USB3-1-300-6(-400X50)
SIBRE 主钩制动器 TYP:USB3-1-300-6(-400X50)
SIBRE 制动器 TE500 EB800/60
SIBRE 制动片 MD517-6 51/12 货号:GT23020194D
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-ED80/6 制动力矩100-1800N.M
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-ED80/6 制动力矩100-1800N.M
SIBRE 制动器 TE315-Ed50/6
SIBRE 制动器 TE315-Ed50/6
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-ED80/6 制动力矩100-1800N.M
SIBRE 制动器 TE315-Ed50/6
SIBRE 电力液压盘式制动器 USB3-Ⅲ-Ed121/6-630×30
SIBRE 制动器 制动器TE630 + 推动器ED201/6
SIBRE 制动器 制动器TE400 + 推动器ED80/6
SIBRE 抱闸 D-35708 HAIGER SBH-250/300-50
SIBRE 备件 USB3-I-EB500/60-355×30
SIBRE 制动器线圈 GH 160.28 205V DC 25/100%ED
SIBRE 备件 USB3-III-Ed201/6
SIBRE 备件 USB3-III-Ed201/6
SIBRE 备件 V3.B hydraulic powerpack for SHI 202 brakes
SIBRE 制动器 USB3-III-Ed201/6-630
SIBRE 大桥机盘式制动器 型号USB 3-1/Ф400 推动力矩1380-2610N.m 推杆型号EB800-60
SIBRE 迁车台电磁抱闸制动片 GT2204326D 直径D:250mm
SIBRE 备件 Sinter friction lining SHI-20X-PADSIN for SHI-202 brake
SIBRE 制动器 TE400-Ed80/6
SIBRE 制动器 TE315-Ed50/6
SIBRE 配件 WN200-24
SIBRE 动力单元 V3
SIBRE 备件 Brake Lining USB3-I EB800-60 Disbrake Diameter 560x30 mm.
SIBRE 备件 Brake 80 Nm. Intorq. BFK458-16E. 180 VDC with Aluminium Rotor serial No. 396252. for long travel drive of Stacker.
SIBRE 备件 Brake Lining USB3-III EB1250-60 Disbrake Diameter 630x30 mm.
SIBRE 备件 Brake Lining USB3-I EB500-60 Disbrake Diameter 450x30 mm.
SIBRE 备件 Brake 32 Nm. Intorq. BFK458-12N. 225 VDC with Aluminium Rotor serial No. 396214. for take up winch at CBY1.CBY2.
SIBRE 备件 Brake 80 Nm. Intorq. BFK458-16E. 225 VDC with Aluminium Rotor serial No. 396252. for Shuttle drive of CR.C1.1 and C2.1
SIBRE 备件 Brake 60 Nm. Intorq. BFK458-16E. 180 VDC with Aluminium Rotor serial No. 396252. for Long travel drive at Reclaimer
SIBRE 备件 Brake 60 Nm. Intorq. BFK458-14N. 225 VDC with Aluminium Rotor serial No. 396215. Common for take up winch of CHS incoming conveyor.
SIBRE 备件 Brake Lining USB3-III EB2000-60 Disbrake Diameter 800x30 mm.
SIBRE 备件 Brake 23 Nm. Intorq. BFK458-12N. 180 VDC with Aluminium Rotor serial No. 396214. for Slew drive of Staker.
SIBRE 备件 Brake 265 Nm. Intorq. BFK458-25E. 180 VDC with Aluminium Rotor serial No. 396288. for trolley drive at Reclaimer
SIBRE 制动器 USB-C 32 ED 80/6
SIBRE 摩擦片 Sinter friction lining for USB3-Ⅱ-1250
SIBRE 摩擦片 Sinter friction lining for USB3-Ⅱ-1250
SIBRE 摩擦片 Sinter friction lining for USB3-Ⅱ-1250
SIBRE 摩擦片 Sinter friction lining for USB3-Ⅱ-800-6
SIBRE 摩擦片 Sinter friction lining for USB3-Ⅱ-800-6
SIBRE 制动弹簧 Bremsfeder for USB3-Ⅱ-1250
SIBRE 制动弹簧 Bremsfeder for USB3-Ⅱ-1250
SIBRE 制动弹簧 Bremsfeder for USB3-Ⅱ-1250
SIBRE 制动器 SHI252
SIBRE 制动器 SHI252
SIBRE 制动器 TE160/EB120/40
SIBRE 制动器 TE315/EB800/60
SIBRE 制动器 TE160/EB120/40
SIBRE 制动器 TE160/EB120/40
SIBRE 摩擦片 MD517-G49/10
SIBRE 摩擦片 MD517-G49/10
SIBRE 液压站 Hydraulikaggregat V2 FOR SHI 202
SIBRE 液压站 Hydraulikaggregat V2 FOR SHI 202
SIBRE 推动器 CB5-M4
SIBRE 推动器 CB5-M4