    MVME167-002A 140DAO84000现货
    发布者:szcxqzb  发布时间:2017-05-17 11:39:26  访问次数:

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    Hideo Sugimoto, a lawmaker from the Democratic Party, said at the seminar that although Kagoike's testament was not yet verified, there has been some evidence showing the possibility of the existence of such a donation. "We shall go deeper into the incident and find out the truth," he said.

    Moritomo Gakuen, a private-school operator, reportedly bought a 8,770-square-meter piece of land last June in Toyonaka, Osaka Prefecture, for 134 million yen (1.2 million U.S. dollars), equivalent to only 14 percent of its appraisal price.

    The land had been intended for a new elementary school to be opened in April with the prime minister's wife Akie as its honorary principal, though she has since stepped down as the scandal widened.

    Akie Abe also visited a nationalist kindergarten run by Moritomo Gakuen several times and gave speeches there. The kindergarten has been under fire for imposing on its students imperialistic-styled education and hate speech about Korean and Chinese residents of Japan.

    Yasunori Kagoike, head of the school operator, testified under oath in both chambers of parliament on Thursday that he received 1 million yen (8,900 U.S. dollars) from Akie.

    He also said that he had asked Akie Abe for help for building the elementary school and his wife had exchanged 22 emails with Akie Abe last month, and the recent emails could be taken as an attempt to silence him.

    Kagoike, the first sworn witness summoned to the Diet since April 2012, could be charged with perjury if he gives false testimony.

    Japan's top government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said at a press conference on Thursday that neither the prime minister nor his wife had made any donation to Moritomo Gakuen.

    Abe himself has on many occasions denied involvement in the land deal.

    The scandal, however, has been eroding Abe's support rates and presents the most serious crisis for the prime minister since he returned to office in 2012, according to some analysts.

    According to a recent poll by Nippon News Network (NNN), support rate for the prime minister's cabinet dropped to 47.6 percent, down 7.3 percentage points from last month, while the disapproval rate increased 6.9 percentage points to 32.9 percent.

    A different poll by Yomiuri Shimbun, one of the largest newspapers in Japan, showed that support rate for Abe's cabinet dropped 10 percentage points to 56 percent compared to one month ago.

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