    发布者:lixiaobingaa  发布时间:2014-08-15 23:35:22  访问次数:




    手机: 13811719035
     Q Q:79989278


    Product Concept

    Stereo microscopes have independent optical trains for the right and left eye paths, and thus naturally extend intrinsic stereoscopic viewing capability. As such, they are used in a variety of fields, including medicine, biology and industry. In the medical and biological fields, these microscopes are used for observing and manipulating live, biological samples. In the industrial field, these instruments are used for research, development and quality control of products. In these fields, stereo microscopes are required to provide advanced optical performance, such as high-magnification imaging and large fields of view, as well as ease of use.
    Nikon has set a new standard for the basic stereo microscope with the development of the SMZ1270/SMZ1270i model, which features newly developed optics that provide incredibly clear images, the largest zoom ratio of its class, and advanced functionality. Nikon has also developed the SMZ800N, an economical model also featuring improved operability performance.


    1. Bright and sharp images

      Newly developed WF series objectives1 with dramatically improved chromatic aberration2 correction ensures bright images without color fringes throughout the entire field of view. In addition, apochromatic3 and semi-apochromatic optics have been developed for the SMZ1270/1270i and SMZ800N zoom bodies, respectively, resulting in sharp and high-contrast images throughout the whole zoom range.

      1. 1.Optional for the SMZ800N.
      2. 2.Light of different wavelengths (colors) have different refractive powers and form images at different focal points. Blue light focuses closest to the lens, followed by green and red light. This results in a color artifact known as ”chromatic aberration” that creates color fringes that deteriorate the clarity of the image.
      3. 3.Chromatic aberration correction for three wavelengths (colors).
    2. Large zoom range enables seamless viewing from sub-structures to whole specimens

      These models are equipped with newly developed zoom optical systems. The SMZ1270 and SMZ1270i offer the highest-in-class zoom ratio of 12.7x (0.63 - 8x). Their low-magnification capability enables observation of a whole 35 mm dish in a single field of view4. The large zoom range enables seamless viewing, from minute cellular structures to large biological specimens.
      The SMZ800N comes with an 8x (1 - 8x) zoom ratio, with magnification levels higher than those offered by conventional models. It is a powerful tool in the field of electronics, where high-precision imaging is required.

      1. 4.With 0.63x zoom magnification, 1x objective and 10x eyepiece, without coaxial episcopic illuminators.
    3. High operability

      Mounting two objectives on the optional P-RN2 Nosepiece enables easy objective changeover and seamless observation over a wide magnification range.
      The optional eyepiece tubes with different inclination angles offer observation with natural posture, even when mounting illumination units and teaching heads for simultaneous dual observation.
      The new stereo microscopes can be configured with an optional LED Diascopic Illumination Stand equipped with an oblique coherent contrast (OCC) illumination system5. OCC is a contrast generating system used in Nikon’s advanced Research Stereo Microscope models SMZ25 and SMZ18. The contrast generated by OCC illumination significantly improves observation of fine features present in many biological and industrial samples, such as eggs and embryos, plastic/glass materials and transparent electrodes.

      1. 5.Oblique Coherent Contrast illumination system. This system shields the center beam using a sliding aperture and applies oblique coherent light to samples. This enables observation of colorless and transparent samples by providing contrast to the sample structures.
    4. Expandable functionality with a wide range of accessories

      A wide range of accessories, including illumination units, stands, tubes and digital cameras, can be flexibly combined with the new stereo microscopes to meet the needs of the individual user and to accommodate various applications in the medical, biological and industrial fields.
      The SMZ1270i is equipped with an intelligent zoom mechanism that enables automatic detection of the zoom level through either the Camera Control Unit DS-L3 or Nikon’s imaging software NIS-Elements. When combined with the optional P-RNI2 Intelligent Nosepiece, both the objective lens magnification and variable zoom levels are detected by the DS-L3 unit or NIS-Elements to provide automatic calibration updates for accurate measurements of samples.


    Model SMZ800N
    Total magnification*
    (with 10x eyepiece)
    5 - 160x (depending on objectives)
    Zooming body Optical system  
      Zoom range 1 - 8x
      Zoom ratio 8:01
      Zooming magnification detection -
    Objectives Achro 0.5x (123.5 mm) ,
    (working distance) ED Plan 0.75x (117 mm),
      Plan 1x (78 mm),
      Plan Apo 0.5x/WF (82.5 mm),
      Plan Apo 0.75x/WF (107 mm),
      Plan Apo 1x/WF (70 mm),
      ED Plan 1.5x/WF (44 mm),
      ED Plan 2x/WF (35 mm)
    Eyepieces (with diopter adjustment) C-W10xB (F.N. 22), C-W15x (F.N. 16), C-W20x (F.N. 12.5), C-W30x (F.N. 7)
    Tubes P-B Binocular Tube, P-TL100 Trinocular Tube, P-TERG 100 Trinocular Tilting Tube, P-TERG 50 Trinocular Tilting Tube
    Stands (Using with C-FMCN Focusing Mount CN)
    P-PS32 Plain Stand, P-DSL32 LED Diascopic Illumination Stand, P-DSF32 Fiber Diascopic Illumination Stand
    (With built-in coarse focusing mount)
    C-PSN Plain Stand/CN, C-PSCN Compact Stand/CN, C-DS/C-DSLU Diascopic Stand S, C-LEDS Hybrid LED Stand
    Episcopic Illumination Units P-EFL Epi-fluorescence Attachment, P-CI Coaxial Episcopic Illuminator, LED Ring Illuminators, C-LSL LED Episcopic Illuminator, C-FIR Plastic Fiber-optics Ring Illuminator, C-FID2 Double Arm Fiber Illuminator
    Nosepieces P-RN2 Nosepiece
    Diascopic observation attachment P-DF LED Darkfield Unit, C-POL Polarizing Attachment
    Other accessories P-IBSS2 Beam Splitter S2, P-THSS Teaching Head, P-IDT Drawing Tube, P-IER Eye-level Riser, Iris Diaphragm, P-SXY XY Stage, C-TRS Tilting Stage, Sliding Stages


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